
Raisani is one of many tribe that resides in Balochistan. They speak the Brahui and Pashto language.

LocationPrincely State of Sarawan
Descended fromRais Qutbudin
Populationover 900,0000 around the world
BranchesSumalzai, Anarizai Ráhusainzai, Rustamzai, Sirajzai, Sahizai and Jamalzai
LanguageBrahvi Balochi Farsi Arabic and Pashto

The Raisani tribal chief is called the Chief of Sarawan from the princely state of Balochistan. The present Chief of Sarawan is Nawab Muhammad Aslam Khan Raisani. The Raisani tribe is known for its bravery and patience, they have lost Thousands of lives mostly since 1987 in Raisani and Rind rivalry for the sake of their beloved people, Shaheed Nawabzada Mir Ismail Raisani Shaheed Nawabzada Mir Siraj Khan Raisani, their father Nawab Ghous Bakhsh Raisani can be a great example for that.

One of the most recognized personalities from Raisani tribe is Lashkari Raisani because of his political career and is known to be one of the bravest personalities of Balochistan

Raisani tribe is most populated in Mastung is the main place known as their homeland. Many other Raisani tribe are living in district Quetta main city, and Ziarat district. They are even Heavily populated in Lands of Kachi which includes Mehrghar, Mitiri, Sirajabad, Brahimbaran, and many others.

They are also known for their great political power even before Pakistan came into existence to this date, they had great relations with the British. Since the late Nawab Bahadur Sir Asadullah Khan Raisani was Knight Commander of The British Council.

The principal sections into which the tribe is divided are the lashkrizai, Ráhusainzai, Rustamzai, Sirajzai, Sahizai and Jamalzai. Each section is named after brothers and sons of the tribe's founding members.

There is a dispute between the people and different tribes Raisani’s try to legitimize their ownership of the Land by quoting Rai Hatu Ram who remained associated with the political affairs of Balochistan for a very long time and served with Sir R. Sandeman, the Raisani Afghans (Tarins P-172 and-570) came from Kandahar via Pishin and occupied the Thal-Chotiali area. Rais Khan Tarin, with a band of his clan, occupied Kalat, while Mastung with the adjoining area was then occupied by the other Afghan tribes and there was no trace of the Brahuis or Balochs in the area (Rai Hatu Ram, Tarikh-i-Balochistan, p-172). Some of these statements are very contradicting statements for political motives, leverage and credibility more clarification is required.


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