Radu (given name)

Radu is a masculine Romanian given name of Slavic origin, derived from word root rad- (cf. радъ "glad"). It may refer to:

Meaningrad (the happy one)
Region of originRomania
Other names
Related namesRada (female first name), Radoslav

People named Radu

Romanian rulers

  • Radu Negru (Radu the Black) (~13th century), Also known as Radu Negru Voievod or Radu Vodă (Voivod Radu)
  • Radu I of Wallachia, a ruler of the principality of Wallachia, (circa 1377 – circa 1383)
  • Radu II Chelul (Radu the Bald), a ruler of the principality of Wallachia in the 15th Century, ruling for 4 terms, each time preceded by Dan II
  • Radu cel Frumos, (Radu the Handsome) (c. 1437/1439 – 1475), was the younger brother of Vlad III the Impaler (Dracula)
  • Radu cel Mare (Radu the Great), son of Vlad Călugărul, September 1495 – April 1508
  • Radu Bădica (? – 19 January 1524), son of Radu IV the Great and Prince of Wallachia, November 1523 – January 1524
  • Radu de la Afumaţi (Radu of Afumaţi), son of Radu cel Mare, January - April, June - August, October 1522 - April 1523, January – June 1524, September 1524 - April 1525, August 1525 - January 1529
  • Radu Paisie, son of Radu cel Mare, September - November 1534; June 1535 - March 1545
  • Radu Mihnea, son of Mihnea Turcitul, September 1601 – March 1602, March - May 1611, September 1611 – August 1616, August 1620 – August 1623
  • Radu Șerban, August 1602 – December 1610, June – September 1611
  • Radu Iliaș, son of Alexandru Iliaș, July 1632 – September 1632
  • Radu Leon, December 1664 – March 1669

See also

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