Podlachian microlanguage

Podlachian language (Pudlaśka mova) is a microlanguage of Belarusians, Poles and Poleshuks which live in Podlachia. It was founded on speech and dialects of Podlachia by enthusiasts like Jan Maksymiuk and Alexander Maksymiuk.

Native speakers
Language codes
ISO 639-3


Podlachian Latin alphabet
A a B b Ć ć Č č D d (Dz dz) (Ď ď) (E e) (Ê ê) (F f)
G gH hCh chI i(Iê iê)J jK kL lŁ łM m
N nŃ ńO o(Ô ô)P pQ qR rS sŚ śŠ š
T tŤ ťU uV vW wX xY yZ zŹ źŽ ž
Ć - [t͡sʲ]; Č - [t͡ʃ]; Ď - [dʲ]; Ê - [ɨ ~ e],  - [i ~ e]; Ch - [x]; Ł - [l]; Ń - [nʲ]; Ô - [u ~ o]; Ś - [sʲ]; Š - [ʃ]; Ť - [tʲ]; V - [v]; Ź - [zʲ]; Ž - [ʒ];

The letters q, w, x using only in foreign names (Quebec, Quentin, Wellington, Winston, Xanadu, Matrix), and digraphs using for record geographical names from Polish and Belarusian languages.


  • Jan Maksimjuk, Čom ne po-svojomu? Elementrz podlaski z objaśnieniami. (Чаму не на сваёй мове? Падляскі буквар з тлумачэньнямі для дарослых.) — Biłostôk: Struha Editions, 2014.
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