
Otuocha Aguleri is a commercial town that belongs to the people of Aguleri. Otuocha Aguleri comprises Udabor which belongs to Umunriabor Eziagulu Aguleri and Amaeze which belongs to the people of Egbeagu Eziagulu Aguleri. Aguleri is a town in the east of the Omambala river, and headquarters of the Anambra East local government area of Anambra State, Nigeria. It was previously a divisional headquarters of Anambra Divisional council during the First Republic and also the former local government headquarters of the Old Anambra region. This was broken up to create the following four prevalent local government areas: Anambra East, Anambra West, Oyi and Ayamelum.

It has a large population, comprising many people from different ethnic groups. These include not only the original Igbo natives of Aguleri people l but others from other parts of Igbo land as well as Hausa, Ijaw, [[Yoruba people|Yoruba], etc. Otuocha Aguleri is important because it serves as the food basket for the south-eastern States. The indigenous people are Aguleri people who accommodated the Umunchezi and Amakwa people of ikenga Umuleri who came into otuocha as laboures looking for greener pastures at Royal Niger company which is operating on Otuocha Aguleri land.


An oral source had it that Otuocha Aguleri land was earlier known as Otu-ndi-ocha because of the early missionaries and workers of Royal Niger company who came into Aguleri and settled at Omabala river beach. The vast land today known as Otuocha Aguleri comprises Udabor and Obiagu lands. Udabor is a vast land which original belongs to Umunriabor village in Eziagulu Aguleri. While Obiagu land today known as Amaeze belongs to Egbeagu village in Eziagulu Aguleri. Udabor borders the west at Akor stream to Achutu land of Offianta Nsugbe. While Obiagu stretches to Emu stream. All these are Aguleri land. "Otu" means beach in Omabala dialect while "Ocha" means white. Royal Niger company leased a vest land from Aguleri people where the company established it's trade of plain oil business while using Otuocha port at Bank of Omabala river to shape the product to export. The presence of Royay Niger company made Otuocha Aguleri to be commercial centre of Omabala region. People both far and wide all troop to Otuocha Aguleri in search of greener pastures. In the year 1890 a group able young men from Ikenga Umuleri came into otuocha Aguleri land in search of greener pastures. This group of Umuleri men was led by Umunchezi and Amukwa who sort Aguleri consent to settle in otuocha under lease. The where given some portion of Udabor land to settle near Akor stream. It was agreed that they will be paying annual rent (Nru Ana) to elders in council ( Ndi ichie) this they agreed and were paying their rent to Aguleri people the land owners.


The Major people living in the town of Otuocha Aguleri are the Aguleri people. Whereas the Aguleri people are mostly strangers in the town, Aguleri is found mostly in the southern and northern part of the town, along the tarred road leading from Oya-Agu Abagana to Otuocha Aguleri market (Eke Aguleri Market). Other groups found in the town are the Umuoba Anam who co-habits the central part of the town along with the two hosts. There are other groups from other parts of Igboland living as tenants and residents in the town and these include the Umuleri, Hausa, Ijaw, and Yoruba communities.

Land disputes

The crux of problems that militate the growth of this town lies in the age-long land disputes over Otuocha land which have led to lots of violence and animosities between the two hosts, Aguleri and Umuleri communities. The question is which of the two communities first settled at the land and which of them has superior claim over the territory now called Otuocha? The case was first heard in 1933 when Umuleri leaders sued Aguleri over the land but lost because they had earlier sold the land to Royal Niger Company Limited and therefore had been divested of the rights or title to the land according to the judgment then. The court held that Umuleri has nothing left to justify the court giving them a declaration of title. Aguleri sensing the loss of the case, sued Umueri in 1935 but lost too on the ground that they too could not establish exclusive ownership of the land.

In 1964, an attempt by Anambra County Council to alter the name of Otuocha headquarters to "Otuocha Aguleri" led to another suit by Umuleri Community and this was a major reason for the crisis of 1964 in which some people were killed and properties destroyed. The Nigeria Civil War interrupted the legal battles between the two sides as the case was suspended. After the war, the East Central State Government restored the name to Otuocha. In 1975, Aguleri again sued Umuleri claiming exclusive ownership of Otuocha. They lost on the same ground as before. They appealed to the Court of Appeal who reversed the decision of the High Court. The Umuleri Community appealed to the Supreme Court. The Supreme court as it's decision on the case, the judge stated this; "May I, however, sound a note of warning to the defendants ( i.e Umuleri community). In dismissing the plaintiff's case (i.e Aguleri community claim for exclusive ownership of the land); I have not decided that Otuocha land belongs to the defendants (Umuleri community). It is my view that neither side can establish ownership of the whole of otuocha land. If on leaving this court premises, no doubt, jubilant, they ( i.e the Umuleri community) and their leaders should take full responsibility for any breaches of peace that may occur).

Umuoba Anam, another major community in the town and who also was involved in the crisis of 1999, claimed to have migrated into the land in the early years of last century precisely in 1900. According to one of the principal witnesses during the Supreme Court's case of 1984, he stated that on entering the land, they were received by the people of Umuleri who collected some money, cows, and many other items as an agreement to sell portions of Otuocha land to them. He went further to state that in 1910, the people of Aguleri invaded their land and attacked them but they engaged in a peace settlement with Aguleri by purchasing the land too from Aguleri thereby paying the same price which they had earlier paid to the people of Umuleri.

After 1984 Supreme Court of Nigeria Judgment, there was a relative peace existing between the communities until September 1995 when the Umuleri community invaded Eziagulu Aguleri land and start constructing filling station on the land. When they were asked by Eziagulu youth Chairman to stop working on Aguleri land. Umuleri went of rampage, killing, maiming and destroying properties belonging to the people of Aguleri. They destroyed all the signposts bearing Aguleri and left the ones bearing Umuleri. Aguleri petitioned and the then State Government who drafted Mobile policemen into Otuocha between December 1994 and April 1995. This action buried the plots and avoided the violence that would have ensued. Following the re-deployment of the anti-riot policemen out of Otuocha, members of the Umuleri community attacked Aguleri on 30 September – 3 October 1995, unleashing massive destruction of human lives and property.

In 1995, a Judiciary Panel of Inquiry was set up by the then Military Government of Anambra State to investigate the crisis and recommend solutions to avoid future occurrence. The report of the Judiciary Panel of Inquiry amongst many other things indicted the then Chairman of the Local Government(an Aguleri native) and the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) for involvement(taking sides) in the conflict. It also recommended that the State government rebuild many of the destroyed Public Buildings which including Umueri Technical College, Girls High School, Otuocha Postal Office, General Hospital Umueri, etc. The Government of the day then declined to implement or accept the recommendations. In apparent retaliation for yet to be redressed violence of 1995, it was said that the Umuleri youths launched attacked on Aguleri in April 1999. The reprisal attacks were said to be carried out because of rumor making round that Aguleri people who at then was engaging in funeral ceremonies of the indicted chairman (who died immediately at the end of 1995 crisis) "wanted seven human heads" to give the former local Government chairman a befitting burial. Another factor was Government disinterestedness in the recommendations of the Panel, amongst many others.

Involvement of Umuoba Anam in 1999 Crisis

Umuoba Anam is a third of the three major communities that make up Otuocha. The Umuoba Anam has always provided a safer zone between the Aguleris and Umuleris in the spasmodic crisis between the two Communities. Umuoba Anam also sheltered the displaced people who fled to them for refuge during the attacks of 1995. The cause of their involvement in 1999 is not yet clear. It is alleged that on the Part of Umuoba Anam, a source said that Umuleri during the course of 1995 "war' shot Nine of their sons; killed one and were treated with disdain by Umuleri when they complained to them about this saying that it is one after the other(meaning that after they the Umueri's have finished with Agulueri, it will be the turn of Umoba). This caused resentment within the Umuoba Community and in retaliation for the killing, they joined the crisis.

The crisis was eventually brought to an end by the interference of the federal government of Olusegun Obasanjo who personally visited the affected areas and invited the leaders of the three communities to the statehouse for a meeting.

Infrastructure and government/public buildings

The basic infrastructure of the city was built at a time when the town was the headquarters of Anambra county council and Old Anambra Local Government. Due to crisis and perceived Government Neglects, there is no much improvement in basic infrastructure. The following are public infrastructure in Otuocha Aguleri: The Local Government Secretariat, Divisional Police Head Office along the Otuocha Aguleri-Oyeagu Road, the Aguleri Recreational Club House, etc.

There are many Schools in Otuocha Aguleri which includes: St. Joseph ’s Secondary School Aguleri, Ovuakwu Primary School , Eri primary school Aguleri, amongst many others. There are also banks that include First Bank of Nigeria Plc Otuocha Aguleri, Aguleri town Hall, Aguleri micro finance bank, Access bank Aguleri.

Religion and places of worships

Though Otuocha Aguleri just like any other town in Anambra enclave worships Traditional African gods with the advent of Europeans and Christianity, a lot of churches have sprung up in the town amongst the following: Diocese on the Niger West Cathedral St Gabriel's Anglican Church Otuocha, St Joseph's Pro-Cathedral Aguleri; Christ holy church (Odozi Obodo) Aguleri, Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church Otuocha; St Augustine's Catholic Church, Umuoba Anam; St Peter ' s Anglican church Aguleri and many other denominational churches.

Market and shopping facilities

Otuocha Aguleri has a viable Market call "Eke" Market, established before the advent of Europeans (Roya Niger Company) by the people of Ikenga Umueri as farm produce market which was serving both Anam people from the west bank of Omambala river. It is located within the heart of Otuocha Aguleri at the bank of the Great Omabala River. Though market activities go along daily in the market, "Eke" Market day is a special market day as traders and buyers from all walks of life come for business. The market is also a major Yam transit point in East of Niger


Christopher Nwabunwanne Ifediora "Anambra Day break Series".

Nigeria law Reports 140; George Okafor & Others (Umuleri) Vs Eze A.E Idigo & Others (Aguleri) {1984} 1 SCNLR,481.

Nigeria Law reports, Okafor Egbuche & another (Umuleri) vs Chief Idigo & another (Aguleri) 1934 11.

World Organization Against Torture and Center for Law Enforcement Education Report Government White Paper on otuocha Crisis para 2:08(i).

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