Open Contracting Data Standard

The Open Contracting Data Standard is a standards development initiative issued by the Omidyar Network and the World Bank which commenced in November 2014.

An early version 1.0 was released in July 2015 [1] and version 1.1 is being developed in Q 3 and 4 2015. OCDS was designed with a focus on public procurement of goods, works and services, but can be extended for use in other contexts. Extensions for Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Extractives concessions are under development.[2]

Adoption of the standard requires publishers to release data under an open license.[3] Publishers are encouraged to use a scale of publishing complexity, from basic which features just tender notices, to advanced and extended data, which features contract award notices, contract details and persistent URIs.[4]

Open Contracting claim that the use of the standard will reduce costs,[5] create more competitive contracting and prevent fraud and corruption.[6][7]

Pilot implementations are underway in the following countries:

Colombia, Costa Rica and Paraguay have also expressed interest in adopting the standard.[10]

Private sector companies using the standard:

Project website:

See also


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