Minamoto no Yoshikiyo

Minamoto no Yoshikiyo (源 義清)(1075?-1149?) was son of Shinra Saburo Minamoto no Yoshimitsu, who was son of the Chinjufu-shōgun Minamoto no Yoriyoshi, and brother of famous samurai Minamoto no Yoshiie (known as Hachimantaro).[1] Yoshikiyo decided to move to Takeda in Kai province. He then founded the Takeda line, also known as Kai Genji Takeda. Kai is from Kai Province, and Genji is the Chinese reading of their family name (Minamoto). Minamoto no Yoshikiyo switched his name to Takeda Yoshikiyo. He and his son, Kiyomitsu (1110-1168), were in succession the founder of the Kai-genji family. Kiyomitsu is considered to be the progenitor of the Takeda.


  1. "Takeda clan". www.shibuiswords.com. Retrieved 2015-05-13.

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