Maximianus of Trier

Maximianus of Trier was bishop of Trier around the turn of the 5th and 6th centuries.[1]

Bishop Maximianus, the predecessor of Fibicius who had taken over as bishop by 502, is apparently the bishop mentioned in a letter from Archbishop Avitus of Vienne to Caesarius of Arles, dated to the period 502–508, and certainly no later than 513, which is a letter of recommendation on behalf of a blinded bishop, described as "holy", who wanted to seek healing in Arles.[2]

This troubled period saw the inclusion of Trier in the sphere of the Rhine Franks based in Cologne and the flight of Count Arbogast in 485/486 to Chartres, as well as the victory of Clovis over the Alamanni in the Battle of Tolbiac in 496/497. The large number of bishops named around these years also points to disturbed times. [3][4]

This bishop should not be confused with Saint Maximinus of Trier (d. c.346).


  1. Diocese of Trier at
  2. Avitus of Vienne: Letters and Selected Prose Liverpool 2002, pp 357-358; William E. Klingshirn: Cesarius of Arles: Life, Testament, Letters Liverpool 1994, pp 80-82.
  3. Hans Hubert Anton : Trier in the Middle Ages (= sources and research from the field of history NF, 9.). Paderborn, inter alia, 1987, ISBN 3-506-73259-5 , p.58
  4. Hans Hubert Anton: The Trier Church and northern Gaul in late Roman and Frankish times. In: Hartmut Atsma (eds.): La Neustrie. Les pays au nord de la Loire de 650 à 850, colloque historique international (= Beihefte of Francia. 16.2). Vol 2, Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1989, pp 53-73, here: p. 60f.
Titles of the Great Christian Church
Preceded by
Modestus of Trier
Maximianus of Trier
479 499
Succeeded by
Fibicius of Treves

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