Addresses in Turkey

Turkish postal addresses are usually written with the name of the main street, minor street, apartment block name, apartment number, then finally Provinces of Turkey and five figure zipcode.[1]


  • mah. - mahallesi (district)
  • mh. - mahallesi (district)
  • blv. - bulvarı (boulevard)
  • cad. - caddesi (road)
  • cd. - caddesi (road)
  • sk. - sokak (alley)
  • ap. - apartmanı (apartment)
  • kat - floor. Kat 1 is 2nd floor by American method


  1. Tom Brosnahan Turkey: a travel survival kit 0864421788- 1993 p 53 Turkish postal addresses are usually written with the name of the main street first, then the minor street and then the number of the building. For example: Bay Mustafa Adryok Gecilrrrez Sokak, Bulunmaz Crkmazr Liiks Apartrmanr ..."
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