List of tapaculo species

Tapaculos form the family Rhinocryptidae. The International Ornithological Congress (IOC) recognizes these 60 species of tapaculos; 44 are in genus Scytalopus and the rest are distributed among 11 other genera. [1]

This list is presented according to the IOC taxonomic sequence and can also be sorted alphabetically by common name and binomial.

Common nameBinomial nameIOC sequence
Ocellated tapaculoAcropternis orthonyx1
Chestnut-throated huet-huetPteroptochos castaneus2
Black-throated huet-huetPteroptochos tarnii3
Moustached turcaPteroptochos megapodius4
White-throated tapaculoScelorchilus albicollis5
Chucao tapaculoScelorchilus rubecula6
Crested gallitoRhinocrypta lanceolata7
Sandy gallitoTeledromas fuscus8
Rusty-belted tapaculoLiosceles thoracicus9
Spotted bamboowrenPsilorhamphus guttatus10
Slaty bristlefrontMerulaxis ater11
Stresemann's bristlefrontMerulaxis stresemanni12
Ochre-flanked tapaculoEugralla paradoxa13
Ash-colored tapaculoMyornis senilis14
White-breasted tapaculoEleoscytalopus indigoticus15
Bahia tapaculoEleoscytalopus psychopompus16
Marsh tapaculoScytalopus iraiensis17
Mouse-colored tapaculoScytalopus speluncae18
Boa Nova tapaculoScytalopus gonzagai19
Rock tapaculoScytalopus petrophilus20
Planalto tapaculoScytalopus pachecoi21
Brasilia tapaculoScytalopus novacapitalis22
Bolivian white-crowned tapaculoScytalopus bolivianus23
Northern white-crowned tapaculoScytalopus atratus24
Santa Marta tapaculoScytalopus sanctaemartae25
Rufous-vented tapaculoScytalopus femoralis26
Long-tailed tapaculoScytalopus micropterus27
Narino tapaculoScytalopus vicinior28
El Oro tapaculoScytalopus robbinsi29
Tatama tapaculoScytalopus alvarezlopezi30
Choco tapaculoScytalopus chocoensis31
Magdalena tapaculoScytalopus rodriguezi32
Stiles's tapaculoScytalopus stilesi33
Tacarcuna tapaculoScytalopus panamensis34
Silvery-fronted tapaculoScytalopus argentifrons35
Caracas tapaculoScytalopus caracae36
Merida tapaculoScytalopus meridanus37
Brown-rumped tapaculoScytalopus latebricola38
Perija tapaculoScytalopus perijanus39
Spillmann's tapaculoScytalopus spillmanni40
Chusquea tapaculoScytalopus parkeri41
Trilling tapaculoScytalopus parvirostris42
Tschudi's tapaculoScytalopus acutirostris43
Unicolored tapaculoScytalopus unicolor44
Pale-bellied tapaculoScytalopus griseicollis45
Paramillo tapaculoScytalopus canus46
Paramo tapaculoScytalopus opacus47
Ancash tapaculoScytalopus affinis48
Neblina tapaculoScytalopus altirostris49
Vilcabamba tapaculoScytalopus urubambae50
Diademed tapaculoScytalopus schulenbergi51
Puna tapaculoScytalopus simonsi52
Zimmer's tapaculoScytalopus zimmeri53
White-browed tapaculoScytalopus superciliaris54
Magellanic tapaculoScytalopus magellanicus55
Dusky tapaculoScytalopus fuscus56
Blackish tapaculoScytalopus latrans57
Junin tapaculoScytalopus gettyae58
Large-footed tapaculoScytalopus macropus59
Diamantina tapaculoScytalopus diamantinensis60

Three species of tapaculo endemic to the Peruvian Andes were recently described in 2020, and thus do not have any IOC sequence yet. All three are in the S. magellanicus complex.[2]

  • White-winged tapaculo, Scytalopus krabbei
  • Jalca tapaculo, Scytalopus frankeae
  • Ampay tapaculo, Scytalopus whitneyi

In addition, Scytalopus opacus androstictus, a subspecies of S. opacus, was found to represent its own species Scytalopus androstictus.[2]


  1. Gill, F.; Donsker, D.; Rasmussen, P. (January 2020). "IOC World Bird List (v 10.1)". Retrieved February 7, 2020.
  2. Krabbe, Niels K.; Schulenberg, Thomas S.; Hosner, Peter A.; Rosenberg, Kenneth V.; Davis, Tristan J.; Rosenberg, Gary H.; Lane, Daniel F.; Andersen, Michael J.; Robbins, Mark B.; Cadena, Carlos Daniel; Valqui, Thomas. "Untangling cryptic diversity in the High Andes: Revision of the Scytalopus [magellanicus] complex (Rhinocryptidae) in Peru reveals three new species". The Auk. doi:10.1093/auk/ukaa003.
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