List of songs recorded by Mohammed Rafi

This is an alphabetical list of known Hindi songs performed, sung and/or recorded by Mohammed Rafi between 1942 and 1980. Over 5,000 of his songs are listed here. Mohammed Rafi also sang in several other different languages, which might not be included here. The genre of song is first, followed by any other singers and the music director or lyricist, then Album name and Year released.

Alphabetical Song Lists

Tamil songs

English songs

Konkani songs

Creol songs

Bengali songs

Bhojpuri songs

Telugu songs

Year Film Song Composer(s)Writer(s) Co-Singer(s)
1964 Ramadasu "Kahekarona" Aswadhamma
"Ram Naam Se Jyaada"
1969 Bhale Thammudu "Enthavaru Gaani" T. V. Raju C. Narayana Reddy
"Gopala Bala Ninne Kori" P. Susheela
"Iddari Manasulu"
"Gumma Gumma"
"Nede Ee Nade"
1970 Thalla? Pellama? "Nuvvu Navvu Thunnavu" T. V. Raju C. Narayana Reddy S. Janaki
1976 Aaradhana "Ninnu Pilachindi" Saluri Hanumantha Rao C. Narayana Reddy S. Janaki
"Nede Thelisindhi"
"Laila Majunu"
"O Priyathama"
"Neekela Intha Niraasa" Dasharadi
1979 Akbar Salim Anarkali "Sipaayee O Sipaayee" C. Ramchandra C. Narayana Reddy P. Susheela
"Kalusukunnaa Gubulaaye"
"Reyi Aagiponi"
"Thaane Maeli Musugu"

Kannada songs

Year Film Song Composer(s) Writer(s) Co-Singer(s)
1967 Onde Balliya Hoogalu "Neenelli naḍèvè doora(ನೀನೆಲ್ಲಿ ನಡೆವೆ ದೂರ)" SathyamGeethapriya

Malayalam songs

Year Film Song Composer(s)Writer(s) Co-Singer(s)
1980 Thaliritta Kinakkal "Shabaab Leke" Jithin Shyam Aayish Kamal

Punjabi songs

Laggi wale te kade naio sonde

Marathi songs

1. Are He dukhi jeeva , bekarar hou nako 2. Prabhu tu Dayalu, Kripavant data 3.He mana bagh tula aaj kon saad ghali 4. Hasa Mulanno Hasa 5. Ha Rusva sod sakhe pura ha bahana 6.Ha Chand Jivala lavi pise 7. Aga pori sambhal daryala ayalaya toofan bhari 8. Majhya viran hridayi 9. Virale geet kase 10. Nako arti ki nako pushpamala 11.Nako bhavya wada 12. Shodhisi Manava Rauli Mandiri 13. Khel tujha nyara

Odia songs

Assamese songs

Maithili songs

Sindhi songs

Magahi songs

Sinhalese songs

See also


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