List of ironclads of Russia

This list is a list of all Russian ironclads built between 1863 and 1872, when the Russians started to build battleships.

Early coastal defence ironclads

Floating battery Pervenets (1863) – second Russian ironclad (the first was gunboat in 1861)

All of them were reclassified to "bronenosets beregovoi oborony" (броненосец береговой обороны) ("coastal defence battleships") in 1892.

Pervenetz class Floating Batteries (3 units)

  • Pervenets («Первенец», 1863 BF, Blackwall) – Struck 1905
  • Ne Tron Menia («Не тронь меня», 1864 BF) – Hulked 1895, decommissioned 1905
  • Kreml («Кремль», 1865 BF) – Hulked 1905, BU 1959

Uragan class monitors (10 units)

  • Uragan («Ураган», 1864 BF) – Laid up and decommissioned 1900
  • Bronenosets («Броненосец», 1864 BF) – Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
  • Veschun («Вещун», 1864 BF) – Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
  • Edinorog («Единорог», 1864 BF) – Laid up 1900, hulked as mine depot 1909, BU 1950s
  • Koldun («Колдун», 1864 BF) – Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
  • Lava («Лава», 1864 BF) – Laid up 1900, hulked as hospital barge 1911, BU 1920s
  • Latnik («Латник», 1864 BF) – Hulked as coal barge and decommissioned 1900
  • Perun («Перун», 1864 BF) – Laid up 1900, sank 1921, BU 1925
Turret armoured boat Smerch (1864)
  • Strelets («Стрелец», 1864 BF) – Laid up 1900, hulked as floating workshop late 1910s, hull is remained to present day
  • Tifon («Тифон», 1864 BF) – Laid up 1900, hulked as mine depot 1909, BU 1920s

Smerch monitor

  • Smerch («Смерч», 1864 BF) (2 turrets) – Wrecked, refloated and repaired 1865, rearmed by rifled guns 1867, laid up 1904, hulked as mine depot 1909, BU 1950s

«Project F2» or Charodeika class monitors (2 units)

Both were rearmed by rifled guns in 1871–1873.

  • Rusalka («Русалка», 1867 BF) – Lost at Gulf of Finland 1893 (177 men perished), found by divers 2003
  • Charodeyka («Чародейка», 1867 BF) – Decommissioned 1904

«Project E3» or Admiral Lazarev class monitors (2 units)

Armoured turret frigate Admiral Lazarev (1867)
  • Admiral Lazarev («Адмирал Лазарев», 1867 BF) – BU 1911
  • Admiral Greig («Адмирал Грейг», 1868 BF) – Decommissioned 1909

«Project E2» or Admiral Spiridov class monitors (2 units)

  • Admiral Spiridov («Адмирал Спиридов», 1868 BF) – Decommissioned 1907
  • Admiral Chichagov («Адмирал Чичагов», 1868 BF) – Decommissioned 1909

Novgorod class "popovkas" (2 units)

Original round-hull type of ship.

  • Novgorod («Новгород», 1873 BSF) – Laid up 1903, BU 1911-12
  • Vice-Admiral Popov («Вице-адмирал Попов», 1873 BSF) – Laid up 1903, BU 1911-12

Early seagoing ironclads

Sevastopol’ (1864) class Armoured Frigates (2 units)

  • Sevastopol’ («Севастополь», 1864 BF) – Decommissioned 1886
  • Petropavlovsk («Петропавловск», 1865 BF) – Decommissioned 1892

«Project С» or Kniaz’ Pozharskii (1867) class Armoured Frigates (2 units)

  • Kniaz’ Pozharskii («Князь Пожарский», 1867 BF) (Armoured Frigate) – Reclassified to 1st rank cruiser 1892, to training vessel 1906, hulked 1909, decommissioned 1911.
  • Minin («Минин», 1869 BF) (Armoured Frigate) – Rebuilt during completion into armoured cruiser in 1878, cruiser of 1st Rank 1892, Reconstructed as minelayer Ladoga («Ладога») 1909, Mined 1915

Piotr Velikii

Battleship Piotr Velikii (1872)

Classified as "bronenosnyi korabl" (броненосный корабль) (battleship/ironclad) since 1873 up to 1892, "eskadrennyi bronenosets" (эскадренный броненосец) (squadron battleship) until 1907, and "lineinyi korabl’" (линейный корабль) (battleship-of-the line) since 1907.

  • Piotr Velikii («Пётр Великий») (ex-Kreiser («Крейсер») – renamed on slip) (1872 BF) – Converted to Training Vessel 1906, hulked 1921, BU 1959



  • Moiseev S. P. Spisok korabley russkogo parovogo i bronenosnogo flota (s 1861 po 1917 god). – Voyenizdat, Moskva, 1948. (List of the Ships of Russian Steam and Armoured Navy (from 1861 to 1917)).
  • Boyevye korabli russkogo flota 8.1914-10.1918 gody: Spravochnik / Ed. by Yu. V. Apalkov. – INTEK, St. Peterburg, 1996. (Warships of the Russian Navy in August 1914 – October 1918).
  • Burov V. N. Otechestvennoye voyennoye korablestroyenoye v tretyem stoletii svoyei istorii. – Sudostroyeniye, St. Peterburg, 1995. (Native Naval Shipbuilding in 3rd century of its history [i.e. in the 20th century])
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