List of University of Cape Town faculty

This list of University of Cape Town faculty includes current, emeritus, former, and deceased professors, lecturers, and researchers. Faculty members who have become Institute Professors, or have earned other significant awards and made significant contributions are listed below.


  • William Harold Hutt, professor of Commerce and originator of the term "Consumer Surplus".
  • Francis Wilson, founded and was the director of the Southern African Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU)

Engineering & the Built Environment

Health Sciences

  • Frances Ames, Neurologist, psychiatrist, human rights activist. She earned her MD degree in 1964 from UCT, the first woman to do so. Led medical ethics inquiry into death of Steve Biko who died in 1977. Awarded Star of Africa, SA’s highest civilian honour.
  • Christiaan Neethling Barnard, head surgeon of the medical team who performed the world's first successful human-to-human heart transplant.
  • Tania Douglas, professor of biomedical engineering
  • Bongani Mayosi (b. 1967 – d. 2018) cardiology professor, the Order of Mapungubwe (Silver), Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences.
  • Valerie Mizrahi, Director of the University's Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine. TB researcher that received the Order of Mapungubwe (silver) in 2007 for her contributions to "biochemistry and molecular biology, including TB drug validation".
  • Elmi Muller from the Department of Surgery performed the first kidney transplant from a HIV-positive donor to a HIV-positive recipient.
  • Timothy Noakes, controversial professor of exercise and sports science and author of several books on endurance sports and, recently, diet. Awarded the Order of Mapungubwe (silver) in 2007 for his contributions to the science of physical exercise.
  • Lionel Opie, is among the world's foremost scholars of heart disease. Recipient of the Order of Mapungubwe (silver) in 2006 for "knowledge and achievements in the field of cardiology". As of 2006, Opie has published 481 scientific articles, 31 books on heart disease and made contributions to 141 other books.
  • John H. Day, after whom the John H. Day Building on Upper Campus is named, was a marine biologist and invertebrate zoologist noted for his study on the taxonomy of Polychaete and estuaries.


  • David Benatar, philosopher and author.
  • Breyten Breytenbach, visiting professor in the Graduate School of Humanities from January 2000, author.
  • André Brink, professor in the English Language and Literature Department, author.
  • David H. M. Brooks (1950–1996), author of On living in an Unjust Society and The Unity of the Mind.
  • Joan Hambidge, professor at the School of Languages and Literature, author.
  • Etienne van Heerden, Hofmeyr Professor at the School of Languages and Literatures.[1]
  • Mahmood Mamdani, inaugural holder of the AC Jordan chair of African studies (1996 to 1998).
  • Hendrik W. (H.W.) van der Merwe, founder of the Centre for Intergroup Studies 1968, emeritus professor 1992.
  • David Wardle, professor at the School of Languages and Literature, author.
  • Monica Wilson, (1908 - 26 October 1982) was a South African anthropologist, professor of social anthropology.
  • Lydia Baumbach (1924-1991), classicist


  • Eric A. Walker (historian) (1886-1976), British historian, King George V Professor of History at the University of Cape Town and Professor Emeritus of Imperial History at the University of Cambridge
  • Nigel Worden, historian of slavery in South Africa and Cape Town.






  1. "Etienne van Heerden". Etienne van Heerden. Retrieved 20 November 2013., author
  2. "Lists of Royal Society Fellows 1660-2007". London: The Royal Society. Archived from the original on 24 March 2010. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  3. "Higher education's Naledi Pandor caps string of qualifications with doctorate". TimesLive. 16 April 2019. Retrieved 1 June 2020.
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