List of Ocyptamus species

This is a list of species in Ocyptamus, a genus of syrphid flies in the family Syrphidae.[1][2][3][4]

Ocyptamus species

  • O. abata (Curran, 1938) c g
  • O. ada (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. adspersus (Fabricius, 1805) c g
  • O. aeneus (Williston, 1891) c g
  • O. aeolus (Hull, 1943) c
  • O. amabilis (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. anona (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. anthinone (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. antiphates (Walker, 1849) i c g b
  • O. arabella (Hull, 1947) c g
  • O. arethusa (Hull, 1949) c
  • O. argentinus (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. ariela (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. aster (Curran, 1941) c
  • O. attenuatus (Williston, 1891) c g
  • O. aurora (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. banksi (Hull, 1941) c g
  • O. bassleri (Curran, 1939) c
  • O. bonariensis (Brethes, 1905) c g
  • O. braziliensis (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. brevipennis (Schiner, 1868) c g
  • O. bromleyi (Curran, 1929) c g
  • O. calla (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. callidus (Hine, 1914) c g
  • O. capitatus (Loew, 1863) c g
  • O. cecrops (Hull, 1958) c g
  • O. chapadensis (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. colombianus (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. confusus (Goot, 1964) c g
  • O. conjunctus (Wiedemann, 1830) c g
  • O. cordelia (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. coreopsis (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. crassus (Walker, 1852) c g
  • O. crocatus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. croceus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. cubanus (Hull, 1943) i c g b
  • O. cultratus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. cultrinus (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. cybele (Hull, 1947) c g
  • O. cyclops (Hull, 1947) c g
  • O. cylindricus (Fabricius, 1781) c g
  • O. cymbellina (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. debasa (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. deceptor (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. delicatissimus (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. diffusus (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. dimidiatus Fabricius, 1781 i c g
  • O. dryope (Hull, 1958) c g
  • O. eblis (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. elnora (Shannon, 1927) c g
  • O. erebus (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. exiguus (Williston, 1888) c g
  • O. fasciatus Roeder, 1885 c g
  • O. fascipennis (Wiedemann, 1830) c g b
  • O. ferrugineus Thompson, 1981 c g
  • O. fervidus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. fiametta (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. filii (Doesburg, 1966) c g
  • O. filiola (Shannon, 1927) c g
  • O. filissimus (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. flavens (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. flukiella (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. funebris Macquart, 1834 i c g
  • O. fuscicolor (Bigot, 1884) c g
  • O. fuscipennis (Macquart, 1834) i c g b
  • O. gastrostactus (Wiedemann, 1830) i c g
  • O. geijskesi (Doesburg, 1966) c
  • O. giganteus (Schiner, 1868) c g
  • O. gilvus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. globiceps (Hull, 1937) c g
  • O. gratus (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. halcyone (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. harlequinus (Hull, 1948) c
  • O. hippolyte (Hull, 1957) c g
  • O. hirtus (Shannon, 1927) c g
  • O. hyacinthia (Hull, 1947) c g
  • O. hyalipennis (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. immaculatus (Macquart, 1842) c g
  • O. inca (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. infanta (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. infuscatus Bigot, 1884 c g
  • O. inornatus (Walker, 1836) c g
  • O. io (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. iona (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. iris (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. isthmus Thompson, 1976 c g
  • O. johnsoni (Curran, 1934) c g
  • O. laudabilis (Williston, 1891) c g
  • O. lemur (Osten Sacken, 1877) i c g b
  • O. lepidus (Macquart, 1842) c g
  • O. leucopodus (Hull, 1948) c g
  • O. levissimus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. limpidapex (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. lucretia (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. luctuosus (Bigot, 1884) c g
  • O. lugubris (Philippi, 1865) c g
  • O. macer (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. mara (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. martorelli (Telford, 1973) c g
  • O. medina (Telford, 1973) c g
  • O. melanorrhinus (Philippi, 1865) c g
  • O. mentor (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. micropelecinus (Shannon, 1927) c g
  • O. micropyga (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. mima (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. minimus (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. murinus (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. nasutus (Williston, 1891) c g
  • O. neoparvicornis (Telford, 1973) c g
  • O. neptunus (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. nerissa (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. nero (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. neuralis (Curran, 1934) c g
  • O. nigrocilia (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. niobe (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. nitidulus (Curran, 1930) c
  • O. nora (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. nymphaea (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. obliquus (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. oblongus (Walker, 1852) c g
  • O. octomaculatus Thompson, 1976 c g
  • O. oenone (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. oriel (Hull, 1942) c g
  • O. ornatipes (Curran, 1927) c g
  • O. oviphorus (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. ovipositorius (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. panamensis (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. pandora (Hull, 1942) c g
  • O. papilionarius (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. para (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. parvicornis (Loew, 1861) i c g b
  • O. peri (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. philippianus (Enderlein, 1938) c g
  • O. philodice (Hull, 1950) c g
  • O. plutonia (Hull, 1948) c g
  • O. pola (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. potentilla (Hull, 1942) c g
  • O. prenes (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. princeps (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. provocans (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. prudens (Curran, 1934) c g
  • O. pullus (Sack, 1921) c g
  • O. pumilus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. punctifrons (Williston, 1891) c g
  • O. pyxia (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. rugosifrons (Schiner, 1868) c g
  • O. saffrona (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. sagittiferus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. salpa (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. sappho (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. sargoides (Macquart, 1850) c g
  • O. sativus (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. satyrus (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. schwarzi (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. scintillans (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. selene (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. shropshirei (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. signiferus (Austen, 1893) c g
  • O. simulatus (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. smarti (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. spatulatus (Giglio-Tos, 1892) c g
  • O. stenogaster (Williston, 1888) c
  • O. stipa (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. stolo (Walker, 1852) c g
  • O. striatus (Walker, 1852) c g
  • O. subchalybeus (Walker, 1857) c g
  • O. summus (Fluke, 1936) c g
  • O. susio (Hull, 1941) c g
  • O. tarsalis (Walker, 1836) c g
  • O. tenuis (Walker, 1852) c g
  • O. tiarella (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. titania (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. trilobus (Hull, 1944) c g
  • O. trinidadensis (Curran, 1939) c g
  • O. tristani Zumbado, 2000 c g
  • O. urania (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. vanda (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. vanessa (Hull, 1949) c
  • O. variegatus (Macquart, 1842) c g
  • O. vera (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. verona (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. victoria (Hull, 1941) c g
  • O. vierecki (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. virgilio (Hull, 1942) c g
  • O. wilhelmina (Doesburg, 1962) c g
  • O. willistoni Thompson, 1976 c g
  • O. wulpianus (Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891) c g
  • O. xanthopterus (Wiedemann, 1830) c g
  • O. xantippe (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. zenilla (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. zenillia (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. zephyreus (Hull, 1947) c g
  • O. zerene (Hull, 1949) c g
  • O. zeteki (Curran, 1930) c g
  • O. zilla (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. zita (Curran, 1941) c g
  • O. zobeide (Hull, 1943) c g
  • O. zoroaster (Hull, 1943) c g

Data sources: i = ITIS[1], c = Catalogue of Life[2], g = GBIF[3], b =[4]


  1. "Ocyptamus Report". Integrated Taxonomic Information System. Retrieved 2018-04-30.
  2. "Browse Ocyptamus". Catalogue of Life. Retrieved 2018-04-30.
  3. "Ocyptamus". GBIF. Retrieved 2018-04-30.
  4. "Ocyptamus Genus Information". Retrieved 2018-04-30.
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