List of MeSH codes (E02)

The following is a partial list of the "E" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (E01). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (E03). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH E02therapeutics

MeSH E02.037acoustic stimulation

MeSH E02.056balneology

MeSH E02.056.020ammotherapy

MeSH E02.056.110baths

MeSH E02.056.610 – mud therapy

MeSH E02.056.902 – steam bath

MeSH E02.075bed rest

MeSH E02.085behavior control

MeSH E02.085.700 – restraint, physical

MeSH E02.095 – biological therapy

MeSH E02.095.125blood patch, epidural

MeSH E02.095.135blood transfusion

MeSH E02.095.160cytapheresis

MeSH E02.095.301gene therapy

MeSH E02.095.410hematopoietic stem cell mobilization

MeSH E02.095.520immunotherapy

MeSH E02.095.601 – oncolytic virotherapy

MeSH E02.095.682organotherapy

MeSH E02.120blood component removal

MeSH E02.120.142bone marrow purging

MeSH E02.120.285cytapheresis

MeSH E02.120.527leukocyte reduction procedures

MeSH E02.120.770plasmapheresis

MeSH E02.145cardiac pacing, artificial

MeSH E02.148catheterization

MeSH E02.148.050angioplasty

MeSH E02.148.102 – balloon dilatation

MeSH E02.148.106balloon occlusion

MeSH E02.148.110catheter ablation

MeSH E02.148.167 – catheterization, central venous

MeSH E02.148.224catheterization, peripheral

MeSH E02.148.442 – heart catheterization

MeSH E02.148.694radiography, interventional

MeSH E02.148.947urinary catheterization

MeSH E02.154cautery

MeSH E02.154.402electrocoagulation

MeSH E02.183 – clinical protocols

MeSH E02.183.750 – antineoplastic protocols

MeSH E02.186combined modality therapy

MeSH E02.186.170 – chemotherapy, adjuvant

MeSH E02.186.250electroacupuncture

MeSH E02.186.450neoadjuvant therapy

MeSH E02.186.500photochemotherapy

MeSH E02.186.750radioimmunotherapy

MeSH E02.186.775 – radiotherapy, adjuvant

MeSH E02.186.800salvage therapy

MeSH E02.190 – complementary therapies

MeSH E02.190.044 – acupuncture therapy

MeSH E02.190.088anthroposophy

MeSH E02.190.321 – holistic health

MeSH E02.190.388homeopathy

MeSH E02.190.488 – medicine, traditional

MeSH E02.190.525mind-body and relaxation techniques

MeSH E02.190.599 – musculoskeletal manipulations

MeSH E02.190.633natural childbirth

MeSH E02.190.655naturopathy

MeSH E02.190.701 – organotherapy

MeSH E02.190.755phytotherapy

MeSH E02.190.799reflexotherapy

MeSH E02.190.822 – rejuvenation

MeSH E02.190.888 – sensory art therapies

MeSH E02.190.901 – spiritual therapies

MeSH E02.218 – cosmetic techniques

MeSH E02.218.085 – body modification, non-therapeutic

MeSH E02.218.170chemexfoliation

MeSH E02.218.210dermabrasion

MeSH E02.218.372hair removal

MeSH E02.218.530lipectomy

MeSH E02.218.565mammaplasty

MeSH E02.218.755rhinoplasty

MeSH E02.218.765rhytidoplasty

MeSH E02.258cryotherapy

MeSH E02.258.750 – hypothermia, induced

MeSH E02.278decompression

MeSH E02.278.500lower body negative pressure

MeSH E02.299 – directly observed therapy

MeSH E02.309drainage

MeSH E02.309.221 – drainage, postural

MeSH E02.319 – drug therapy

MeSH E02.319.077 – antineoplastic protocols

MeSH E02.319.155chelation therapy

MeSH E02.319.162chemoprevention

MeSH E02.319.170 – chemotherapy, adjuvant

MeSH E02.319.235chronotherapy

MeSH E02.319.300 – drug delivery systems

MeSH E02.319.310drug therapy, combination

MeSH E02.319.335drug therapy, computer-assisted

MeSH E02.319.347enema

MeSH E02.319.360fluid therapy

MeSH E02.319.444home infusion therapy

MeSH E02.319.452hormone replacement therapy

MeSH E02.319.529 – medication errors

MeSH E02.319.630 – orthomolecular therapy

MeSH E02.319.685photochemotherapy

MeSH E02.319.694pleurodesis

MeSH E02.319.698polypharmacy

MeSH E02.319.703premedication

MeSH E02.319.720 – prescriptions, drug

MeSH E02.319.805sclerotherapy

MeSH E02.319.890self administration

MeSH E02.319.900 – self medication

MeSH E02.319.913 – thrombolytic therapy

MeSH E02.342 – electric stimulation therapy

MeSH E02.342.250deep brain stimulation

MeSH E02.342.287electric countershock

MeSH E02.342.543electroacupuncture

MeSH E02.342.800 – transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation

MeSH E02.365 – emergency treatment

MeSH E02.365.305first aid

MeSH E02.365.647resuscitation

MeSH E02.365.839transportation of patients

MeSH E02.403exercise movement techniques

MeSH E02.403.124 – breathing exercises

MeSH E02.403.186dance therapy

MeSH E02.403.249 – drainage, postural

MeSH E02.403.500exercise

MeSH E02.403.750 – exercise therapy

MeSH E02.403.906relaxation

MeSH E02.403.909 – relaxation techniques

MeSH E02.403.913 – tai ji

MeSH E02.403.921walking

MeSH E02.403.937yoga

MeSH E02.421feeding methods

MeSH E02.421.150 – bottle feeding

MeSH E02.421.360 – enteral nutrition

MeSH E02.421.505parenteral nutrition

MeSH E02.467fetal therapies

MeSH E02.467.500blood transfusion, intrauterine

MeSH E02.467.750fetoscopy

MeSH E02.514hemodilution

MeSH E02.520 – hemostatic techniques

MeSH E02.520.179balloon occlusion

MeSH E02.520.360embolization, therapeutic

MeSH E02.520.425hemostasis, endoscopic

MeSH E02.520.490hemostasis, surgical

MeSH E02.533hydrotherapy

MeSH E02.547hygiene

MeSH E02.547.600oral hygiene

MeSH E02.547.800skin care

MeSH E02.565 – hyperthermia, induced

MeSH E02.565.020ammotherapy

MeSH E02.565.280diathermy

MeSH E02.565.640 – steam bath

MeSH E02.583insufflation

MeSH E02.592ischemic preconditioning

MeSH E02.592.325ischemic preconditioning, myocardial

MeSH E02.596leeching

MeSH E02.600lithotripsy

MeSH E02.600.500lithotripsy, laser

MeSH E02.642nutrition therapy

MeSH E02.642.249diet therapy

MeSH E02.642.500nutritional support

MeSH E02.695 – musculoskeletal manipulations

MeSH E02.695.199 – exercise therapy

MeSH E02.695.344 – kinesiology, applied

MeSH E02.695.421 – manipulation, chiropractic

MeSH E02.695.433 – manipulation, orthopedic

MeSH E02.695.444 – manipulation, osteopathic

MeSH E02.695.466 – manipulation, spinal

MeSH E02.695.522massage

MeSH E02.695.644 – myofunctional therapy

MeSH E02.718 – orthopedic procedures

MeSH E02.718.500intervertebral disk chemolysis

MeSH E02.730orthoptics

MeSH E02.760 – patient care

MeSH E02.760.058aftercare

MeSH E02.760.106ambulatory care

MeSH E02.760.190 – critical care

MeSH E02.760.215custodial care

MeSH E02.760.246 – day care

MeSH E02.760.300episode of care

MeSH E02.760.352 – foster home care

MeSH E02.760.400hospitalization

MeSH E02.760.415institutionalization

MeSH E02.760.440 – life support care

MeSH E02.760.476long-term care

MeSH E02.760.564night care

MeSH E02.760.611 – nursing care

MeSH E02.760.666palliative care

MeSH E02.760.703perinatal care

MeSH E02.760.722perioperative care

MeSH E02.760.741 – postnatal care

MeSH E02.760.775preconception care

MeSH E02.760.786prenatal care

MeSH E02.760.795preoperative care

MeSH E02.760.850subacute care

MeSH E02.760.905 – terminal care

MeSH E02.760.952withholding treatment

MeSH E02.770 – patient isolation

MeSH E02.774phototherapy

MeSH E02.774.215 – color therapy

MeSH E02.774.430heliotherapy

MeSH E02.774.500laser therapy, low-level

MeSH E02.774.722photochemotherapy

MeSH E02.774.945 – ultraviolet therapy

MeSH E02.779 – physical therapy modalities

MeSH E02.779.249balneology

MeSH E02.779.468 – electric stimulation therapy

MeSH E02.779.480 – exercise therapy

MeSH E02.779.492hydrotherapy

MeSH E02.779.496 – hyperthermia, induced

MeSH E02.779.735 – musculoskeletal manipulations

MeSH E02.785placebos

MeSH E02.790prescriptions, non-drug

MeSH E02.800punctures

MeSH E02.800.090body piercing

MeSH E02.800.550paracentesis

MeSH E02.800.558phlebotomy

MeSH E02.815 – radiotherapy

MeSH E02.815.150brachytherapy

MeSH E02.815.190cranial irradiation

MeSH E02.815.270hemibody irradiation

MeSH E02.815.350lymphatic irradiation

MeSH E02.815.520radioimmunotherapy

MeSH E02.815.530radiosurgery

MeSH E02.815.600 – radiotherapy, adjuvant

MeSH E02.815.635radiotherapy, computer-assisted

MeSH E02.815.639radiotherapy dosage

MeSH E02.815.722radiotherapy, high-energy

MeSH E02.815.814 – whole-body irradiation

MeSH E02.815.907 – x-ray therapy

MeSH E02.831 – physical rehabilitation

MeSH E02.831.067activities of daily living

MeSH E02.831.100art therapy

MeSH E02.831.169bibliotherapy

MeSH E02.831.230dance therapy

MeSH E02.831.335early ambulation

MeSH E02.831.387 – exercise therapy

MeSH E02.831.440music therapy

MeSH E02.831.489occupational therapy

MeSH E02.831.671rehabilitation of hearing impaired

MeSH E02.831.727rehabilitation of speech and language disorders

MeSH E02.831.782rehabilitation, vocational

MeSH E02.849 – rejuvenation

MeSH E02.860remission induction

MeSH E02.870renal replacement therapy

MeSH E02.870.300 – renal dialysis

MeSH E02.870.350hemofiltration

MeSH E02.870.500kidney transplantation

MeSH E02.875reproductive techniques

MeSH E02.875.194contraception

MeSH E02.875.390fallopian tube patency tests

MeSH E02.875.540 – insemination, artificial

MeSH E02.875.690ovulation detection

MeSH E02.875.745ovulation prediction

MeSH E02.875.800 – reproductive techniques, assisted

MeSH E02.875.900tocolysis

MeSH E02.880 – respiratory therapy

MeSH E02.880.150 – drainage, postural

MeSH E02.880.301extracorporeal membrane oxygenation

MeSH E02.880.495chest wall oscillation

MeSH E02.880.690oxygen inhalation therapy

MeSH E02.880.820 – respiration, artificial

MeSH E02.887retreatment

MeSH E02.891rewarming

MeSH E02.895salvage therapy

MeSH E02.900 – self care

MeSH E02.900.100 – blood glucose self-monitoring

MeSH E02.900.890self administration

MeSH E02.900.900 – self medication

MeSH E02.912 – sorption detoxification

MeSH E02.912.300enterosorption

MeSH E02.912.400hemofiltration

MeSH E02.912.430hemoperfusion

MeSH E02.912.715plasmapheresis

MeSH E02.912.800 – renal dialysis

MeSH E02.921thalassotherapy

MeSH E02.931therapies, investigational

MeSH E02.950therapy, computer-assisted

MeSH E02.950.825radiotherapy planning, computer-assisted

MeSH E02.950.875surgery, computer-assisted

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (E03).

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