List of Greek and Latin roots in English/J


RootMeaning in EnglishOrigin languageEtymology (root origin)English examples
jac-lieLatinjaceo "to be thrown"adjacency, adjacent, circumjacency, circumjacent, ease, easy, interjacent, interjoist, joist, nonadjacent, subjacent, superjacent
jac-, -ject-cast, throwLatinjacio (also spelled iacio), iectusabject, adjectival, adjective, conjectural, conjecture, deject, dejection, disject, disjection, ejaculate, ejaculation, ejaculatory, eject, ejecta, ejection, ejective, ejectment, ejector, inject, injection, injective, injector, interject, interjection, interjectional, interjector, interjectory, introject, introjection, introjective, jactation, jactitation, jaculate, jaculation, jaculator, jaculatory, jaculiferous, jet, jetsam, jettison, nonobjective, object, objectification, objection, objectionable, objective, objectivity, objector, parget, project, projectile, projection, projective, projector, reject, rejectamenta, rejection, subject, subjection, subjective, subjectivity, subjicible, surjection, surjective, traject, trajectile, trajection, trajectory, trijet
janu-doorLatinjanuajanitor, January
joc-jestLatinjocus (also spelled iocus)jewel, jewelry, jocose, jocosity, jocular, jocularity, joke, jongleur, juggle
judic-judgeLatiniudex, iƫdicisadjudicate, adjudication, adjudicative, adjudicator, adjudicatory, extrajudicial, injudicious, judge, judgement, judgment, judgmental, judicable, judicative, judicator, judicatory, judicature, judicial, judiciary, judicious, nonjudgmental, nonjudicial, prejudge, prejudgment, prejudice, prejudicial, quasijudicial
jug-yokeLatinjugo, jugumconjugal, subjugate
jung-, junct-joinLatiniungo, junctusadjoin, adjoint, adjunct, adjunction, adjunctive, conjoin, conjoint, conjunct, conjunction, conjunctive, disjoin, disjoint, disjunct, disjunction, disjunctive, enjoin, enjoinder, enjoinment, injunction, injunctive, join, junction, juncture, junta, junto, nondisjunction, nonjoinder, rejoin, rejoinder, sejoin, sejungible, subjoin, subjoinder, subjunctive, surrejoinder
junior-youngerLatinjuniorjunior, juniority
jus-, jur-law, justiceLatinius, iurisabjure, jurisprudence, jury, just, justice, objurgate, perjury
juv-, jut-helpLatinjuvo, jutusadjument, adjutant, adjutor, adjutory, adjutrix, coadjutant, coadjutor, injucundity, jocund, jocundity
juven-young, youthLatinjuvenisjuvenile, rejuvenate
juxta-beside, nearLatinjuxtajuxtaposition


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