Lev Rubinstein

Lev Semyonovich Rubinstein (Russian: Лев Семёнович Рубинштейн) is a Russian poet, essayist, and social activist.[1]

Lev Rubinstein
Born19 February 1947  (age 73)
OccupationWriter, philologist 


  • 2012: literary prize NOS for his book Signs of Attention[1]
  • 1999: literary Andrei Bely Prize in the nomination Humanitarian Research[2]


  1. Премию «Нос» получил Лев Рубинштейн за книгу «Знаки внимания» // RIA Novosti (retrieved December 21, 2018)
  2. Премия Андрея Белого: 1978—2004: Антология, compiled by Boris Ostanin. – Moscow, New Literary Review, 2005.
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