Ladislav Švihran

Ladislav Švihran (born December 15, 1931 in Liège) is a Slovak writer and translator.[1] He debuted in the year 1970 with his book Kulturizmus ducha (Culturism of the spirit). Since 1973, he is a professional writer.

Ladislav Švihran
Born(1931-12-15)December 15, 1931
Liège, Belgium
Notable awardsPrize of Egon Erwin Kisch

Ladislav Švihran received the international Prize of Egon Erwin Kisch for his book Vzácne návštevy Bratislavy (Rare visits to Bratislava).


Ladislav Švihran was born on December 15, 1931, in Liège in Belgium, where he lived for the first seven years of his life. Later, he studied pedagogy and psychology at Pedagogical faculty of the Comenius University in Bratislava.


  • Kulturizmus ducha (1970)
  • Tichý chlapec z Illinoisu (1971)
  • Rozmarná zemeguľa (1973)
  • Kým prišli mušketieri (1974)
  • Nenápadní spoločníci (1976)
  • Slávni vynálezcovia (1977)
  • Tu sa usadíme (spoluautor s Michalom Borgulom, 1979)
  • Náš priateľ Jules (1983)
  • Svet stavia (1984)
  • Výpravy do budúcnosti (1986)
  • Naj, naj, naj... (1988)
  • Aféry po novembri (spoluautor, 1990)
  • Ako sme kradli (spoluautor, 1991)
  • Ako zomierajú diktátori (1994)
  • Knihy na dračku (1995)
  • 1000 plus 1 slovenských naj (1996)
  • Ján Jesenius (1996)
  • Kto nám vládol (1999)
  • Pavol Dobšinský (2001)
  • Hviezdne okamihy (2001)
  • Majstri ducha (spoluautor s Ondrejom Pössom, 2002)
  • Vzácne návštevy Bratislavy (spoluautor s Ivanom Szabóom, 2005)

Monographies and studies

Life and work of Ladislav Švihran is the subject of the following monographies, studies and scientific papers:

  • SLIACKY, O.: Dictionary of Slovak writers for children and young adults (Slovník slovenských spisovateľov pre deti a mládež), Bratislava 2005.
  • SLIACKY, O.: Pavol Dobšinský. In: Bibiana, 9, 2002, no. 2, page 62 – 63.
  • BODACZ, B.: Attractiveness of information (Prítažlivost informácie). In: Literárny týždenník, 11, 1998, no. 49, page 7.
  • GLOCKO, P. jr.: Vampires of modern history (Upíry novodobých dejín). In: Knižná revue, no. 5, 1995, no. 7, page 5.


  • 2005 – Prize of Egon Erwin Kisch

See also


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