Kota Vamsa

Kota Vamsa was a medieval Indian dynasty which ruled in parts of the modern-day Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. The Kotas belonged to Dhananjaya gotra. Kota chiefs ruled Kammanadu with Dharanikota as capital. Kota Kings belonged to the Kshatriya varna.Kota Vamsa different from Kota’s caste system which is Sudra varna[1]

Kota kings, who followed the varna system, practised religious tolerance and patronised both Jainism and Hinduism. They favoured Shaivism and their family god was Amareswara of Amaravati.


  1. Sastry, P. V. Parabhrama (1978). N. Ramesan, ed. The Kākatiyas of Warangal. Hyderabad: Government of Andhra Pradesh
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