Kailashkut Bhawan

Kailashkut Bhawan was an artistic palace in ancient Nepal. The palace was built by Lichhavi King Amshuverma immediately after he was throned in 598 CE.[1]

The palace was later devastated and does not physically exist in the current day. Many historical and literary works have proved the existence of the palace. The Chinese monk Xuanzang mentioned the mighty architecture of Kailashkut Bhawan in his travelogue.[2]

Kailashkut Bhawan was constructed in vedic tripura style having three courtyards. The three adjoined buildings were Indragriha, Managriha and Kailashkut.[3]

Xuanzang has mentioned that Kailashkut Bhawan could accommodate 1,000 people in the lobby of its top floor.[2]

Some remains found in the Handigaon area of the present Kathmandu District are believed to be of the antique palace Kailashkut..


  1. "On Kailashkut Bhawan". Archived from the original on 16 February 2015. Retrieved 23 April 2015.
  2. "King Amshuverma, initiator of trade and industry in Nepal". Retrieved 23 April 2015.
  3. "The Lichchhavi Period". Retrieved 23 April 2015.

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