Hermann Oncken

Hermann Gerhardt Karl Oncken (16 November 1869 in Oldenburg, Germany – 28 December 1945 in Göttingen, Germany) was a German historian and political writer. He was one of the most notable historians of pre-Nazi Germany.

Hermann Oncken

He lectured at the universities of Chicago (1905), Giessen (1906), Heidelberg (1907-1923), Munich (1923-1928), and Berlin (1928-1935). In 1935 he was forced to retire by the Nazi regime, which he opposed.

He specialized in the 19th century, history of historical thought, history of political thought.

Notable students:

Selected works

  • Lasalle. Zwischen Marx und Bismarck (Lassalle. Between Marx and Bismarck), 1904
  • Rudolf von Bennigsen. Ein deutscher liberaler Politiker (Rudolf von Bennigsen. A German liberal politician), 1910
  • Historisch-politische Aufsätze (Historical-political Essays), 1914
  • Das alte und das neue Mitteleuropa, 1917
  • Die Utopia des Thomas Morus und das Machtproblem in der Staatslehre, 1922
  • Die Rheinpolitik Kaiser Napoleons III von 1863 bis 1870 (The Rhine policy of Emperor Napoleon III from 1863 until 1870), 3 vol., 1926
  • Napoleon III. und der Rhein. Der Ursprung des Krieges von 1870/71 (Napoleon III. and the Rhine. The Origin of the War of 1870/71), 1926 (= separately published Introduction of Die Rheinpolitik Kaiser Napoleons III (The Rhine policy of Emperor Napoleon III))
  • Über das Motiv der "Sicherheit" in der europäischen Geschichte, 1926
  • Großherzog Friedrich I. von Baden und die deutsche Politik von 1854-1871 (Grand Duke Friedrich I of Baden and the German policy of 1854-1871, 1927
  • Das Deutsche Reich und die Vorgeschichte des Weltkrieges (The German Reich and the Origin of the Great War), 2 vol., 1927
  • Cromwell. Vier Essays über die Führung einer Nation, 1935
  • Nation und Geschichte. Reden und Aufsätze 1919-1935 (Nation and History. Speeches and Essays 1919-1935), 1935

Further reading

  • Felix E. Hirsch, Hermann Oncken and the End of an Era, The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 18, No. 2 (Jun., 1946), pp. 148–159 (JSTOR)

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