Herald and Trumpet contest

In the 96th Olympiad (396 BC), beside the athletic and artistic competitions,[1] the "Herald and Trumpet contest" was added, which was already a formal element of the Olympic ritual performed by the kerykes (heralds) and salpinktai (trumpeters) . Winners were chosen by the clarity of the enunciation and the audibility of their voice or horn blast. Some notable victors were:

  • Timaeus (trumpeter) and Crates (herald) of Elis, the first ones.
  • Herodorus of Megara (ten times) 328-292 BC trumpeter.
  • Diogenes of Ephesus 69-85 AD (five times) trumpeter.
  • Valerius Eclectus of Sinope 245,253-261 AD (four times) herald.


  1. Gymnikos, hippikos and mousikos agon (naked, equine and artistic contest)
  • Ancient Greek Athletics By Stephen G. Miller Page 85 ISBN 0-300-10083-3 (2006)
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