Dana Olmert

Dana Olmert (Hebrew: דנה אולמרט; born December 26, 1972[1]), is an Israeli left wing activist, literary theorist and editor. She is a daughter of Israel's former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.

Dana Olmert

Olmert graduated with a PhD in literature from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on "The Growth of Hebrew Poetry by Women During the Twenties: Psychoanalytical and Feminist Perspectives."[2] She teaches literature at Tel Aviv University[3] and lately teaches creative writing workshops. She is the editor of a poetry series and was invited to several juries of literary prizes.

She volunteered for Machsom Watch.[4] In June 2006, she attended a march in Tel Aviv protesting alleged Israeli complicity in the Gaza beach blast which made her the subject of criticism from right-wing personalities.[5]

Olmert is a self-identified lesbian and defends the Pride parade in Israel.[6] She lives with her female partner, Dafna Ben-Zvi, in Tel Aviv.[7] The couple raise a daughter birthed by Ben-Zvi.


  1. https://www.google.com/search?ei=osavWqjuLfCIggfvj5yYAw&q=%22Dana+Olmert%22+born&oq=%22Dana+Olmert%22+born&gs_l=psy-ab.3...28428.31898.0.32172.
  2. Our Scholarship Winners Archived 2007-10-07 at the Wayback Machine Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  3. The Literature Department Tel Aviv University
  4. "Sea of Hope". New Israel Fund. 2017-08-17. Retrieved 2019-09-01.
  5. Cohen, Avi (2006-06-10), "PM's daughter protests Gaza killings", Israel News, archived from the original on 2010-12-07, retrieved 2007-08-27
  6. Olmert Daughter Defends Gay Parade., Publication: Israel Faxx, Date: Thursday, June 21, 2007
  7. Mirza, Hassan (2006-11-14), "Lesbian daughter of Israeli PM speaks out", UK Gay.com, archived from the original on 2007-03-16, retrieved 2007-08-27
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