Crystal Dragon

Crystal Dragon (クリスタル☆ドラゴン) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yuho Ashibe. It has been serialized by Akita Shoten in the monthly shōjo manga magazine Mystery Bonita since 1981, and collected in 25 bound volumes (tankoubon) as of 2009, this serial have been translated and published since 1996 in Indonesia by Elex Media Kompetindo.

Crystal Dragon
Written byYuho Ashibe
Published byAkita Shoten
MagazineMystery Bonita
Original run1981 – present
Volumes25 tankōbon, 15 bunkoban

Set in Ireland and Roman Britain, it is the story of a black-haired girl named Alian (known as the Silver Wheel) and her fight against Bara Evil-Eyes, the Gothic warlord who destroyed her home tribe. Joining her in the fight are Henruda (translated in Indonesian as Harmonia) the daughter of a Celtic chieftain, and Legion, the Silver Knight.

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