Cardinals created by Innocent II

Pope Innocent II (r. 1130-43) created 76 cardinals in twelve consistories held throughout his pontificate. The pope created as cardinals his future successor Lucius III and the antipope Victor IV.[1]

Pope Innocent II.


  • Balduino da Pisa O.Cist.
  • Pietro
  • Stanzio
  • Luc O.Cist.
  • Adinolfo O.S.B.
  • Innocenzo Savelli
  • Gregorio
  • Siro
  • Azzone degli Atti
  • Odone Fattiboni
  • Gaymer
  • Guido da Vico
  • Guido
  • Guido
  • Alberto Teodoli
  • Silvano
  • Vassalo
  • Lucio Boezio O.S.B. Vall.
  • Vitale Savelli


  • Martino O.Cist.


  • Pietro O.S.B. Cas.
  • Ubaldo da Lunata
  • Angelo
  • Guido
  • Ubaldo


  • Drogon O.S.B.
  • Theodwin Can. Reg. O.S.A.
  • Stefano
  • Gregorio Papareschi iuniore
  • Chrysogone O.S.B.
  • Gerardo
  • Pietro


  • Ugo
  • Griffone
  • Yves Can. Reg.


  • Alberto
  • Bernardo


  • Stanzio
  • Cosma



  • Hugh de Saint-Victor Can. Reg. O.S.A.
  • Etienne O.Cist.
  • Egmondo
  • Presbitero
  • Rabaldo
  • Tommaso
  • Raniero
  • Goizo
  • Aimerico
  • Presbitero

17 December 1140

  • Pietro
  • Longino
  • Tommaso Can. Reg.
  • Rainaldo di Collemezzo O.S.B. Cas.
  • Ubaldo
  • Pietro
  • Pietro
  • Guido Moricotti
  • Niccolò
  • Hugues de Foliet O.S.B.
  • Guido di Castelfidardo


March 1142

Notes and references

  1. Salvador Miranda. "Cardinals of the 12th Century". The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church. Retrieved 12 February 2019.
  1. Elected as Antipope Victor IV and reigned as such from 1159 until his death in 1164.
  2. Elected as Pope Lucius III and reigned from 1181 until his death in 1185.


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