Blue Aquarius

Blue Aquarius was a 1970s funk/rock band with a big band sound, consisting of over 50 members who were followers of Prem Rawat and led by Rawat's brother Bhole Ji. The band recorded a self-titled album for Stax Records Gospel Truth label in 1972, and after performing at Millenium '73 they disbanded in 1974 at Rawat's order.[1]

Blue Aquarius included guitarist Kevin Dempsey and former Bee Gees drummer Geoff Bridgeford,[2][3] who composed several songs on the album that were popular with Rawat's followers.


  1. "Blue Aquarius". Project Satsang.
  2. Elman, Richard (March 1974). "Godhead Hi-Jinx". Creem.
  3. Levine, Richard (March 14, 1974). "Rock me Maharaji – The Little Guru Without A Prayer". Rolling Stone Magazine. pp. 36–50.

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