Barbara Weldens

Barbara Weldens (17 April 1982 – 19 July 2017) was a French singer-songwriter. After releasing her first studio album, Le grand H de l'homme (Man with a capital M), in February 2017, she died on stage the following July while performing at a festival.

Early life and career

Weldens was from Hérault and grew up in the circus,[1] where she learned juggling, acrobatics and trapeze.[2] She trained as a pianist at the conservatory in Sète, and earned a licence in musicology from the Paul Valéry University, Montpellier III in 2004.[3] In 2015 she won the Tremplin Découverte Chanson de Pause Guitare and in 2016 the Pic d'Or de la Chanson at Tarbes,[2][3] the young talent award at the 2016 Jacques Brel festival[1][4] and the prix révélation scène of the Académie Charles-Cros.[5][6]

Inspired by Jacques Brel, Weldens was a singer in the chanson réaliste tradition.[5] She often performed in a trio with Barbara Hammadi on piano and Marion Diaques on violin.[2] On 3 February 2017, with Hammadi and Diaques, she released her first studio album, Le grand H de l'homme (Man with a capital M);[1][4][6] one reviewer wrote of it as "a coherent, profound, [and] powerful whole",[7] and another spoke of the precision and balance of her lyrics.[2]


Weldens was on tour and was performing in a church in the town of Gourdon in south-west France for the festival Léo Ferré when she collapsed on stage at about midnight on 19 July 2017 and was pronounced dead of cardiac arrest. She was 35.[1][4][5][6] An autopsy confirmed that she had been electrocuted; she normally performed barefoot, and her foot made contact with a defective piece of electrical equipment.[8]


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