
The Asceticon ("ascetic discourses") by Abba Isaiah of Scetes is a diverse anthology of essays by an Egyptian Christian monk who left Scetes around 450 AD. Originally composed in Greek, the Asceticon consists of 30 essays ("logos") on subjects including: advice for novice monks; precepts for those who have renounced the world; sayings and stories by Abba Isaiah; various letters, sermons, and sayings. Logos 30 includes several sayings that were also included in the Apophthegmata Patrum (Sayings of the Desert Fathers), but in a different form, giving scholars some evidence on how those sayings evolved into their final form in the Apophthegmata Patrum. Abba Isaiah was also influential in bringing Christianity to Palestine.[1]

See also


  1. Harmless, William (2004). Desert Christians: An Introduction to the Literature of Early Monasticism. Oxford [Oxfordshire]: Oxford University Press. pp. 265–267. ISBN 0-19-516222-6.
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