Aniela Steinsbergowa

Aniela Zofia Steinsbergowa, (born on June 27, 1896 in Vienna, died on December 22, 1988 in Warsaw) was a Polish lawyer[1] known for her work in defending politically well-known cases. She was an activist of the Polish Socialist Party, and a co-founder of the Workers' Defense Committee and the Social Self-Defense Committee "KOR".[2]. In 1931, she was entered on the list of lawyers, which made her one of the first female lawyers in Poland.[3]


  1. Robert Jarocki, Aniela Steinsberg, w: Polski Słownik Biograficzny, tom XLIII, 2004–2005
  2. Kryptonim „Gracze”. Służba Bezpieczeństwa wobec Komitetu Obrony robotników i Komitetu Samoobrony społecznej „Kor” 1976–1981, wybór, wstęp i opracowanie Łukasz Kamiński i Grzegorz Waligóra, Warszawa 2010, s. 53.
  3. "It happened today ... June 27, 1896". 2018.
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