Abolitionism (disambiguation)

Abolitionism is the movement to end human slavery.

Abolitionism may also refer to:

  • Abolitionism (animal rights), a movement to end the property status of animals
  • Abolitionism (copyright/patent), a movement to abolish state granted monopolies over intellectual works
  • Abolitionism (prostitution), a movement to abolish state regulation of prostitution, seen as a form of slavery of women
  • Abolitionism (capital punishment), a movement to abolish the death penalty within the capital punishment debate
  • Abolitionism (transhumanism), a current within the transhumanist movement which seeks to abolish all pain and suffering in all sentient beings
  • Gender abolitionism (in gender studies, radical feminism or postgenderism), a movement to abolish gender
  • Market abolitionism, a belief that the market, in the economic sense, should be completely eliminated from society
  • Prison abolition, a movement to end incarceration as a means to address harm
  • Total abolition, a political philosophy also known as veganarchism (veganism and anarchism)
  • Abortion abolitionism, a movement born in central United States that aims to end immediately abortion.
  • Police reform in the United States

See also

  • Abolition (disambiguation)
  • All pages with titles containing Abolitionism
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