2006 in machinima

The following is a list of notable machinima-related events in the year 2006. These include several new machinima productions, season finales, and the 2006 Machinima Festival.


Notable releases

  • February 9 – The first season of ILL Clan's Tra5hTa1k with ILL Will premiered.[10]
  • February 9 – Edgeworks Entertainment announced The Heretic, a prequel to The Codex.[11]
  • March 29 – The first season of Neverending Nights ended with episode 21.[12]
  • April 1 – Season 4 of Rooster Teeth Productions' Red vs. Blue ended with episode 77.[13]
  • April 26 – Strange Company released the first episode of BloodSpell.[14]
  • April 27 – Season 1 of The Strangerhood ended with episode 17.[15]
  • May 4 – Red vs. Blue Season Four and The Strangerhood Season One were released on DVD.[16]
  • May 6 – Video blog 5 for This Spartan Life, which concerns network neutrality, was released.[17]
  • June 16 – Rooster Teeth Productions announced its new mini-series Red vs. Blue: Out of Mind.[18]
  • August 29 – The first season of Tra5hTa1k with ILL Will ended with episode 10.[19]
  • September 4 – Red vs. Blue: Out of Mind ended with episode 5.[20]
  • September 28 – The second season of TrashTa1k with ILL Will began.[21]
  • September 30 – Season 5 of Red vs. Blue began for website sponsors with episode 78.[22]
  • October 4 – "Make Love, Not Warcraft", an episode of Comedy Central's animated series South Park, aired.[23] As a result of cooperation with Blizzard Entertainment, the episode features segments of World of Warcraft machinima.[24]
  • December 8 – The last episode of Strange Company's BloodSpell, episode 14, was released.[25]

Active series


Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences

  • Best Picture: The Adventures of Bill & John: Episode II[26]
  • Best Series: The Fixer[26]
  • Best Direction: Edge of Remorse[26]
  • Best Virtual Performance: Puppeteering: Tra5hTa1k with ILL Will[26]
  • Best Virtual Performance: Custom Animation: Company of Heroes[26]
  • Best Voice-Acting Performance: Deviation[26]


  1. Hancock.
  2. Playing the Movies.
  3. Internet Communications Pioneer.
  4. Tapper & Taylor, 1–2.
  5. The Academy of Machinima Arts & Sciences Announces the 2006 Machinima Festival & Call for Entries.
  6. Graft.
  7. 2006 Machinima Festival.
  8. Chappell, Robinson.
  9. Robinson.
    1. 1 Introducing Will and Mal.
  10. Winn.
  11. Logue.
  12. Burns, Episode 77.
  13. BloodSpell: Episode 1.
  14. Saldaña.
  15. Ramsey.
  16. Blog 05.
  17. Burns, Out of Sight.
    1. 10 Season Finale.
  18. Hullum.
    1. 11 Freaky Alien Sex.
  19. Burns, Season Five is Alive.
  20. Make Love, Not Warcraft.
  21. Marino.
  22. BloodSpell: Episode 14.
  23. 2006 Machinima Film Festival: WINNERS & Nominees.


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