2004–05 Royal League statistics

This page shows aggregate tables and attendance averages for the 2004/05 season of Royal League.

Results table by country

Country GP W D L Goals Pts
1. Sweden 3314613414048
2. Norway 3613914454948
3. Denmark 2911711343140

Results table by club

Team GP W D L Goals Pts
1. FC Copenhagen 1164114622
2. IFK Göteborg 1163214721
3. Vålerenga IF 10631161021
4. Malmö FF 10604151418
5. Rosenborg BK 10424161614
6. SK Brann 10325101211
7. Halmstads BK 6222768
8. Esbjerg fB 6213657
9. Brøndby IF 6213797
10. Odense BK 61147114
11. Tromsø IL 60243112
12. Djurgårdens IF 60155131

Average attendances by country

Country Games Total Average
1. Denmark 14108,0717,719
2. Norway 1894,9835,276
3. Sweden 1767,1553,950
Total 49270,2095,514

Average attendances by club

Team Games Total Average
1. Brøndby IF 338,63412,878
2. FC Copenhagen 553,08510,617
3. Rosenborg BK 532,4606,492
4. IFK Göteborg 636,5356,089
5. Vålerenga IF 529,0565,811
6. SK Brann 526,7845,356
7. Malmö FF 520,0974,019
8. Djurgårdens IF 38,7582,919
9. Esbjerg fB 38,4762,825
10. Odense BK 37,8762,625
11. Tromsø IL 36,6832,227
12. Halmstads BK 31,765588

Note: Göteborg had an extra home game in the final

See also

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