Zofia Zdybicka

Zofia Józefa Zdybicka (born 5 August 1928 in Kraśnik) is a nun and philosopher. She has been a professor at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin since 1978. Her order name is Maria Józefa in the Congregation of the Ursulines of the Agonizing Heart of Jesus in Poland. She is a specialist in ontology and the philosophy of religion.

Zdybicka is the author of Partycypacja bytu. Próba wyjaśnienia relacji między światem a Bogiem (1972), Poznanie Boga w ujęciu H. de Lubaca (1973), Człowiek i religia (1977, 1994), Religia i religioznawstwo (1988).

  • Zdybicka, Zofia J. (2005), "Atheism" (PDF), in Maryniarczyk, Andrzej, Universal Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 1, Polish Thomas Aquinas Association, retrieved 2010-05-04
  • Zdybicka Zofia

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