Zax (Duke Power)

Zax, as illustrated in 1984.

Zax is an animated character featured in 1980s Duke Power public service announcements educating children on the dangers of electricity and how to use electricity efficiently. Zax's voice was provided by Charlotte, N.C. weatherman Larry Sprinkle.


In 1984 Duke Power decided to release a series of public service announcements (PSAs) to educate children on how to be safe and use electricity efficiently. These cartoon PSAs featured a small, eager to learn computer generated program named Zax, and a group of children who constantly had to keep Zax from getting injured or killed by electricity.

The PSAs

Zax appeared in a number of cartoon PSAs throughout the 1980s. Only a 1989 Christmas PSA can be found online to watch here. Several PSAs that aired featured the following scenarios: Zax taking a bath with a hairdryer, stereo and portable TV all around the bathtub, the blonde boy, named Billy, from the group of children comes into the bathroom and tells Zax that he is not being safe and that he could be injured or killed by using electric devices by water. Another PSA featured after a tornado Zax and the children discover downed power lines and have to teach Zax that it's not safe for him to go near them that he could get "hurt or even killed!". All the PSAs ended with the same line: "This message brought to you by your friends at Duke Power."

Energy conservation kit

In 1984 Duke Power issued a kit to teachers across the Carolinas to help educate the children in their classes on electricity. The kit came in a cardboard box with Zax on the lid of the box. Found inside the kit was a poster featuring several panels of how to conserve energy with Zax and his friends; a light switch faceplate featuring Zax reminding you to turn out the light when you leave the room; membership cards to be given to children who took Zax's pledge to be safe and not waste electricity; a film-strip and an audio cassette that featured an adventure of Zax and his friends; several mimeograph worksheets for children to do; stickers that featured the same panels used on the poster included.

See also

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