Yoetzet Halacha

A yoetzet halacha (Hebrew: יועצת הלכה, plural: yoatzot) is a woman certified to serve as an advisor for women with questions regarding Taharat hamishpacha.

Candidates for Yoatzot Halacha are chosen for their advanced Torah scholarship, leadership capabilities and deep religious commitment. As professionals hired by synagogues, schools and communities, the Yoatzot respond to Orthodox women's questions about mikveh observance and Jewish law affecting couples, families, sexual relations and women's medical issues.


As of 2013, Nishmat is the only institution certifying women as Yoatzot Halacha.

In 2014, yoetzet Rachelle Fraenkel garnered international attention for her articulate and thoughtful response to the murder of her teenage son Naftali.


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