Vadu Crișului - Aștileu Canal

The Vadu Crişului - Aştileu Canal (called colloquially Canalu de Apă) is a canal diverting the discharge of the Crișul Repede River for the supply of the Aştileu hydroelectric plant with an installed capacity of 2.8 MW. The 9 km long canal was built in 1954. It starts near the village of Vadu Crișului and runs parallel to the course of the Crişul Repede River, running in the proximity of the villages Birtin, Dobricioneşti, Josani, Măgești and Aștileu, finally connecting with the Crișul Repede near the village of Chistag. The canal also catches the discharges of the tributaries of the Crișul Repede it intersects.


  • Administrația Națională Apelor Române - Cadastrul Apelor - București
  • Institutul de Meteorologie și Hidrologie - Rîurile României - București 1971

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