Vũ Trinh

Vũ Trinh
Born 1759
Lương Tài, Đại Việt
Died 1828
Lương Tài, Đại Việt
Occupation Royal official
Language Vietnamese, Hán tự
Period Revival Lê dynasty, Nguyễn dynasty
Genre Judiciary
Notable works Nguyễn triều hình luật, Sứ Yên thi tập, Cung oán thi tập

Vũ Trinh (Hán tự: 武楨; 1759–1828) (pseudonames 萊山 and 蘭池漁者) was a well-known Confucianist in Tonkin and high-ranking mandarin in both Le Trinh dynasty and Nguyen dynasty. Vũ Trinh was born in a noble family with many proficient Confucian scholars in Ngọc Quan hamlet, Lương Tài district, Bắc Ninh. His grandfather was Vũ Miên: Headmaster of Quốc Tử Giám and Chancellor. He got title Giải nguyên (解元) (First laureate) in the interprovincial Confucian examination that was held every three years with small quantity of selected candidates when he was only 17, then became a mandarin. In his career path, at very young age (29 years old), he was promoted to be Vice Chancellor (參知政事).

He declined the invitation of Ngô Thì Nhậm, a great mandarin of Tay Son for a mandarin position. For this, he was mentioned in a poem written by Nguyễn Đề, stored in Qing dynasty's Literature records:










Along with being a mandarin, he was also a writer. His legacies were mostly written in Chinese.

First page of 皇越律例, also known as "Gia Long Code", by Nguyen Van Thanh, Vu Trinh, Tran Huu

Notable works

皇越律例(Gia Long code)


[1] 皇黎一統志, 吳家文派

[2] 大南列傳, National History Press under Nguyen dynasty

[3] 國史遺編, 潘叔直

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