''Union'' (''Star Wars'')

Cover of the first issue
Publication information
Publishing company Dark Horse Comics
Subject Star Wars
Genre Science fiction
Release date(s) November 1, 1999 - February 1, 2000
Country United States
Language English
Expanded Universe
Era New Galactic Republic
Series Union
Galactic Year 20 ABY
Canon C
Preceded by Apocalypse Endor
Followed by Chewbacca
Script writer Michael A. Stackpole
Cover artist(s) Duncan Fegredo (paint, issue #1), Chris Dutkiewicz (gold logo variant, issue #4)
Publisher(s) Dark Horse Comics

Union is a four-issue Star Wars comic miniseries written by Michael A. Stackpole. It takes place about 20 years after the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and chronicles the dangers and trials leading up to Luke Skywalker's wedding to Mara Jade.

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