Transport and the Environment

The Transport and the Environment report, published in 1994, was the 18th report published by the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. It provided a detailed and comprehensive study of the environmental impact of transport in the United Kingdom and was chaired by Sir John Houghton.[1] The New Scientist commented "Rarely, if ever, can a ministry have emerged so badly from an official report as John MacGregor's old department", in an article titled "Head-on collision over transport: The British government has received its sternest warning yet that its unflagging support for the car is seriously at odds with its own green principles".[2]

See also


  1. "Reports". Royal Commission of Environmental Polition. Archived from the original on 22 March 2011. Retrieved 11 March 2010.
  2. "Head-on collision over transport: The British government has received its sternest warning yet that its unflagging support for the car is seriously at odds with its own green principles". New Scientist. Retrieved 2010-03-11.
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