Tipperary Natural Mineral Water

Tipperary Natural Mineral Water
Country Ireland
Source Borrisoleigh
Type still
pH 7.7
Calcium (Ca) 71
Chloride (Cl) 15
Magnesium (Mg) 13
Nitrate (NO3) 0.5
Potassium (K) 17
Sodium (Na) 25
Sulfate (SO4) 10
TDS 272 [1]
Website http://www.tipperary-water.ie
All concentrations in milligrams per liter (mg/L); pH without units

Tipperary Natural Mineral Water is an Irish brand of mineral water coming from a single source at Borrisoleigh, close to the Devil's Bit mountain in north County Tipperary, Ireland. Tipperary Water is part of Gleeson Group, an Irish-owned multinational company.[2]


Tipperary Natural Mineral Water Company was founded in 1986 by Nicholas and Patrick Cooney.[3] The water is pumped from a depth of 100 metres. In 1987, Tipperary Natural Mineral Water was the first Irish bottled water to qualify for the European Union's Natural Mineral Water status. It is now exported to 12 markets and has won the British Bottlers Institute gold medal award a number of times. It has 15% market share in Ireland.[3]


  1. http://www.thenibble.com/REVIEWS/MAIN/beverages/waters/tipperary-mineral-water.asp
  2. "Gleeson - Brands -Water - Tipperary Water". Gleeson Group. Retrieved 2009-04-01.
  3. 1 2 "Tipperary Water - College Essays - Dar3Devil". StudyMode.com. Retrieved 2009-04-01.
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