
Theodosiopolis (Greek: Θεοδοσιούπολις, "city (-polis) of Theodosius") can refer to several cities of classical antiquity (re)named after emperor Theodosius, including former (arch)bishoprics:

In Europe
  • Apros in Thracia, in Roman province Europe, at the site of modern Kermeyan, a former diocese and present Latin Catholic titular bishopric (suppressed as Theodosiopolis, but restored as Aprus - cfr. above?)
In Asia
  • Theodosiopolis, now Erzurum in Turkey, formerly a diocese in Roman Armenia Tertia, now a Latin Catholic titular bishopric
  • Theodosiopolis in Mysia, the name of the ancient Greek city of Perperene, located today near Bergama in Turkey
  • Theodosiopolis in Ionia, the name of the ancient city of Euaza in the region of Ephesus, located today in Turkey
  • Theodosiopolis (Osroene), also known as Resaina, the modern Ras al-Ayn in Syria
In Africa
  • Theodosiopolis in Arcadia, in the Roman province of Arcadia Aegypti, also a former archdiocese, now a Latin Catholic titular archbishopric, modern site of Taha-el-Amudein
  • Theodosiopolis, the name of the Egyptian city of Tebtunis in Lower Egypt, present-day village of Tell Umm el-Baragat
  • Theodosiopolis, the name of the Egyptian city of Hebenu in Upper Egypt, present-day village of Kom el Ahmar
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