Their Bright Ascendency

Their Bright Ascendency is a projected trilogy of epistolary epic fantasy novels by the American writer K. Arsenault Rivera. The trilogy is to consist of The Tiger's Daughter (2017, Arsenault Rivera's debut novel), The Phoenix Empress (forthcoming 2018), and a third novel.

Set in a secondary world inspired by historical East and Central Asian cultures, the series is concerned with the adventures of and the romantic relationship between two young warrior noblewomen – Shizuka, the heir to the Hokkaran Empire, and Shefali, daughter of the ruler of the Qorin steppe nomads. As epistolary novels, the books take the form of a collection of letters between the two. The trilogy is part of a subgenre of fantasy based on Middle Eastern, Central or East Asian history, sometimes called "Silk Road fantasy".[1]


In a starred review of The Tiger’s Daughter, Publishers Weekly praised "Rivera's immense imagination and finely detailed worldbuilding".[2] In, Liz Bourke highlighted the book's focus on female characters, describing it as "an epic fantasy romance between god-like heroes, and both of them are women. And they’re both the daughters of heroic, immensely competent women. And their world is populated with many other competent women."[3]


  1. The Tiger’s Daughter, Tor Books, 3 October 2017, ISBN 978-0765392534
  2. The Phoenix Empress, Tor Books, 9 October 2018, ISBN 978-0765392572
  3. Forthcoming novel


  1. Weimer, Paul (10 March 2014). "Silk Road Fantasy and Breaking the Great Wall of Europe". SF Signal. Retrieved 15 November 2017.
  2. "Fiction Book Review: The Tiger's Daughter by K. Arsenault Rivera. Tor, $15.99 trade paper (528p) ISBN 978-0-7653-9253-4". Publishers Weekly. Retrieved 15 November 2017.
  3. Bourk, Liz (24 October 2017). "Sleeps With Monsters: The Steppes, The Steppes Are Calling". Retrieved 15 November 2017.

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