The Rapture (audio drama)

The Rapture
Album cover
Big Finish Productions audio drama
Series Doctor Who
Release no. 36
Featuring Seventh Doctor
Written by Joseph Lidster
Directed by Jason Haigh-Ellery
Produced by Gary Russell
Jason Haigh-Ellery
Executive producer(s) Jacqueline Rayner
Production code 7V
Length 1 hr 47 mins
Release date September 2002

The Rapture is a Big Finish Productions audio drama based on the long-running British science fiction television series Doctor Who.


The Seventh Doctor and Ace visit The Rapture nightclub in Ibiza in 1997, where two angels are brainwashing clubgoers, and Ace discovers a secret about her family.


  • This story gives Ace's date of birth as 20 August 1970.
  • Ace's parents are named as Audrey and Harry McShane.
  • This story introduces Ace's brother, Liam McShane, who is four years her junior.
  • Following on from tie-in novels, Ace's full name is given as Dorothy Gale McShane (Although, this was never given in the original series).
  • Ace refers to the events of The Curse of Fenric and Colditz


Dating error

At one point in episode 4, the date is given as 'Saturday 15 May 1997'. In reality, 15 May 1997 fell on a Thursday.


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