The Creator (poetry collection)

The Creator, 2012

The Creator (Tvoritelj, 2000)[1][2][3] is a collection of poetry by the Serbian-American poet Dejan Stojanović (1959). The book, originally written in Serbian, contains 62 poems in nine sequences: "The Light-Bearer," "Forest of the Universe," "A Talk of Fire," "The Whisper of Eternity," "A Smiling Sky," "Thought and Flight," "Same and Change," "The Dream Chamber," and "Nostalgic Elements."


  1. Oliver Janković, Belina sveta i papira, Borba, 28, 29, 30. 11. 2000, Beograd
  2. Miloslav Šutić, Significant Achievements of the Short Poetic Form, 2001 (Književna reč, broj 515, jul 2001, Beograd; Odzivi, str. 67, Konras, biblioteka Groš, 2002, Beograd)
  3. Aleksandar Petrov, A Poet before the Open Door, December 2000 (Pesnik pred otvorenim vratima, Amerikanski Srbobran, Književni dodatak)

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