Ten Meritorious Deeds

Ten Meritorious Deeds ('Dasa Punna-kiriya Vatthu') are ten meritorious acts which Buddhists practice in everyday life to reach the eternal happiness Nirvana as either a lay-man or a monk. Buddhist monks have a lot of rules(Vinaya) to follow to speed up the process.

Buddhist's path to the eternal happiness Nirvana is a gradual one. Some times it may takes more than 1000 life cycles(Rebirths). Lord Buddha has said it is actually worthy of it. But if we miss the current Lord Buddha's Dispensation(Buddha-sasana) it can be much longer than 1000 life cycles. Nirvana is lot more worthy than becoming a Heavenly King of the whole Solar System or Cakravarti King who rule the all of the great continents. There are three Bodhi which a being can attain Nirvana. Sammāsambuddha(Buddha), Pratyekabuddha, and Arahant. There is no difference in Nirvana once attained and they all have perfect understanding about the 'Four Noble Truths' but there may be a difference in intelligence and super-normal abilities which they have in the last life.

Sammāsambuddha and Pacceka-Buddha is very difficult to achieve and take very long time. Arahant is the easiest way. To become an Arahant a being has to follow the words of a Sammāsambuddha. Sammāsambuddhas who have all knowing intelligence never tell every one to have aspire of becoming a Sammāsambuddha since it will make very much suffer in the Samsara. Lord Buddha may have donated blood more than the amount of the sea to complete the necessary Paramita. So, how about other donations, they have to donate: Their wives, sons, daughters, also their own life numerous times to complete only the Dāna Paramita in three ways (Parami, Upa-parami, Paramatta-parami). But a great being can have aspirations of becoming a Sammāsambuddha, since it is worthy. To become an Arahant there sI no need to complete this kind of huge Paramita.

Other than the "taking refuge in the triple gem" Buddhists practice these 'Ten Meritorious Deeds' in everyday life.

Giving charity, Morality and Meditation are called as Threefold Meritorious Deeds(Thrivida Punna-kiriya)

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