Tachanka (song)


Tachanka, or 'The Tachanka song, (Russian: тачанка)


RussianLatin transcriptionLiteral English TranslationLyrical English translation
First Verse

Ты лети с дороги, птица,
Зверь, с дороги уходи!
Видишь, облако клубится,
Кони мчатся впереди!

Ty leti s dorogi, ptitsa,
Zver, s dorogi ukhodi!
Vidish, oblako klubitsia,
Koni mchatsia vperedi!

Fly off the road, bird,
Beast, get out of the way!
You see a [dust] cloud is swirling,
Horses are rushing ahead!

Bird, fly from the road, and quickly!
Better Hurry or you're dead!
See that dust cloud coming thickly!
Horses charging far ahead!

Second Verse

И с налета, с поворота,
По цепи врагов густой
Застрочит из пулемета
Пулеметчик молодой.

I s naleta, s povorota,
Po tsepi vragov gustoj
Zastrochit iz pulemeta
Pulemetchik molodoj.

And with a charge, with a turn,
Over chains of enemies thick
Stutters from the machine-gun
The machine-gunner is young.

Blasting, turning, fire pouring,
into crowds of enemies!
His machine gun rattling, roaring
our young gunner clears the fields!

Chorus 1

Эх, тачанка-ростовчанка,
Наша гордость и краса,
Конармейская тачанка,
Все четыре колеса!

Ehkh, tachanka-rostovchanka,
Nasha gordost i krasa,
Konarmejskaia tachanka,
Vse chetyre kolesa!

Oh, Tachanka from Rostov,
Our pride and beauty,
Red Cavalry Tachanka,
All four wheels!

Hey Tachanka gun from Rostov!
You're our joy and you're our pride!
Red cavalry gun-carts blast off,
Four wheels whirring as they ride!

Third Verse

Эх, за Волгой и за Доном
Мчался степью золотой
Загорелый, запыленный
Пулеметчик молодой.

Ehkh, za Volgoj i za Donom
Mchalsia stepiu zolotoj
Zagorelyj, zapylennyj
Pulemetchik molodoj.

Oh, over the Volga and over the Don [rivers]
The golden steppes rushed [past]
Bronzed, dusty
The machine-gunner is young.

We crossed the Don after the Volga,
Through the golden steppe so free!
Tanned, and dusty our young gunner,
Blasted through our enemy!

Fourth Verse

И неслась неудержимо
С гривой рыжего коня
Грива ветра, грива дыма,
Грива бури и огня.

I neslas neuderzhimo
S grivoj ryzhego konia
Griva vetra, griva dyma,
Griva buri i ognia.

And rushing unrestrained
With the horses' ginger manes
Manes of wind, manes of smoke
Manes of storm and fire.

As, unstoppable and mighty,
Like the manes of our wild steeds,
Manes of wind, smoke, storm, and fire,
Slice our land like wind through reeds!

Chorus 2

Эх, тачанка-киевлянка,
Наша гордость и краса,
Комсомольская тачанка,
Все четыре колеса!

Ehkh, tachanka-kievlianka,
Nasha gordost i krasa,
Komsomolskaia tachanka,
Vse chetyre kolesa!

Oh, Tachanka of Kiev,
Our pride and beauty,
Tachanka of the Komsomol
All four wheels!

Hey Tachanka gun from Ol' Kiev!
You're our joy and you're our pride!
The Red youth army's gun-carts racing,
Four wheels whirring as they ride!

Fifth Verse

По земле грохочут танки,
Самолеты петли вьют,
О буденновской тачанке
В небе летчики поют.

Po zemle grokhochut tanki,
Samolety petli viut,
O budennovskoj tachanke
V nebe letchiki poiut.

On the ground the tanks rumble,
Airplanes loop and weave
About the Tachanka of Budennovsk
In the sky, the pilots sing.

Sixth Verse

И врагу поныне снится
Дождь свинцовый и густой
Боевая колесница,
Пулеметчик молодой.

I vragu ponyne snitsia
Dozhd svintsovyj i gustoj
Boevaia kolesnitsa,
Pulemetchik molodoj.

And the enemy still is dreaming
The rain is leaden and heavy
Battle chariot,
The machine-gunner is young.

Chorus 3

Эх, тачанка-полтавчанка,
Наша гордость и краса,
Пулеметная тачанка,
Все четыре колеса!

Ehkh, tachanka-poltavchanka,
Nasha gordost i krasa,
Pulemetnaia tachanka,
Vse chetyre kolesa!

Oh, Tachanka of Poltava,
Our pride and beauty,
Machine-Gun [bearing] Tachanka
All four wheels!

Hey Tachanka gun from Poltava!
You're our joy and you're our pride!
Red cavalry gun-carts, fire!
Four wheels whirring as they ride!


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