
Symphoromyia immaculata
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Diptera
Suborder: Brachycera
Infraorder: Tabanomorpha
Superfamily: Rhagionoidea
Family: Rhagionidae
Subfamily: Rhagioninae
Genus: Symphoromyia
Type species
Atherix melaena

Symphoromyia (meaning bane/blight fly in Greek) is a genus of predatory snipe flies. Unusually for Rhagionids, some species of Symphoromyia are known to feed on mammal blood, including human blood. Symphoromyia species are stout bodied flies from 4.5 to 9 mm and with a black, grey or gold thorax, and the abdomen is coloured grey, black, or both black and yellow, black terminating with yellow, to completely yellow. The wings are hyaline or lightly infuscate.


  • S. algens Leonard, 1931
  • S. atripes Bigot, 1887
  • S. barbata Aldrich, 1915
  • S. cervivora Turner, 1973
  • S. cinerea Johnson, 1903
  • S. crassicornis (Panzer,1806)
  • S. cruenta Coquillett, 1894
  • S. currani Leonard, 1931
  • S. fulvipes Bigot, 1887
  • S. hirta Johnson, 1897
  • S. immaculata (Meigen,1804)
  • S. inconspicua Turner, 1973
  • S. inquisitor Aldrich, 1915
  • S. inurbana Aldrich, 1915
  • S. johnsoni Coquillett, 1894
  • S. kincaidi Aldrich, 1915
  • S. limata Coquillett, 1894
  • S. melaena (Meigen,1820)
  • S. montana Aldrich, 1915
  • S. nana Turner, 1973
  • S. pachyceras Williston, 1886
  • S. pilosa Aldrich, 1915
  • S. plagens Williston, 1886
  • S. pleuralis Curran, 1930
  • S. plumbea Aldrich, 1915
  • S. pullata Coquillett, 1894
  • S. sackeni Aldrich, 1915
  • S. securifera Coquillett, 1904
  • S. sinensis Yang & Yang, 1997
  • S. spitzeri Chvála, 1983
  • S. trivittata Bigot, 1887
  • S. trucis Coquillett, 1894
  • S. truncata Turner, 1973
  • S. varicornis (Loew, 1872)

See also


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