Kémi Séba

Kémi Séba in 2007

Kémi Séba (French language version of Egyptian for "black star"),[1] born Stellio Gilles Robert Capo Chichi on December 9, 1981, is a Black French writer,[2] activist, and Pan-Africanist[2] political leader.

Since April 2013, he is a geopolitical analyst in several West African televisions[3] and gives lectures about Pan-Africanism in many African universities.[2] He is the initiator of the demonstrations against the CFA franc who took in several French-speaking African countries.[4] In January 2018, he was elected as 2017 African Personality of the Year by Africanews,[5] for his fight against French neocolonialism and the CFA Franc in Africa.


Capo Chichi was born in Strasbourg to immigrant parents from Benin.[1][note 1] He joined the US-based Nation of Islam (NOI) as an eighteen-year-old, and later formulated his own ideology while visiting Egypt in his twenties.[6] As a result of this process, he took the nom de guerre Kémi Séba and became the spokesperson of the Parti Kémite (Kemite Party), which was founded in 2002 and inspired by Khalid Abdul Muhammad.[7][8]

Tribu KA

In December 2004, Capo Chichi founded the Parisian political group Tribu KA, which promotes black identity and has been accused of racism against Jews.[9][10] The group said it followed the ideology of the American NOI leader, Louis Farrakhan.[11][12] They have also been described as proponents of a mix of antisemitic Kemetism and Guénonian Islam.[13] The group's name is an abbreviation for 'The Atenian Tribe of Kemet'.[8]

In a May 2006 demonstration, twenty or more Tribu Ka members marched along the Rue des Rosiers (in the Marais, a Jewish neighborhood) shouting antisemitic slogans and threatening pedestrians.[11][12][14] Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy sent a letter to Justice Minister Pascal Clément saying Tribu Ka could be indicted for racist incitement. SOS Racisme and the Union des étudiants juifs de France also called for Tribu Ka to be banned. Clément opened an investigation.[9] The Ministry of Interior dissolved Tribu Ka on July 26, 2006, but it reformed in Sarcelles under the name Génération Kémi Séba.[9][10][15] During the trial of Youssouf Fofana, the leader of the ethnic gang Les Barbares that murdered Ilan Halimi, Capo Chichi had sent an intimidating e-mail message to various Jewish associations.[8]


Capo Chichi was arrested in September 2006 for making allegedly antisemitic posts on his website, and again in February 2007 after he called a public official "Zionist scum." After the initial court hearing in 2006, supporters chanted, "The judge is a Zionist, the client is a Zionist, the decision will be Zionist." In February 2007, a French court near Paris sentenced Capo Chichi, the self-described "militant defender of the dignity of French citizens," to five months imprisonment for criminal contempt of the law.[15][16] In April 2008, a Parisian court verdict determined Génération Kémi Séba was the reconstitution of the dissolved group Tribu Ka, and sentenced Capo Chichi to a one-year prison sentence with suspension.[17]

In June 2009, Brice Hortefeux, Minister of the Interior, ordered the dissolution of the group Jeunesse Kémi Séba, founded to replace Génération Kémi Séba.[18][19]


After his release from prison in July 2008, Capo Chichi announced that he had converted to Islam.[20] In March 2008, he became the secretary general of Mouvement des damnés de l'impérialisme (MDI, "Movement of Those Damned By Imperialism"). MDI retains close ties with the Shia paramilitary Lebanese-based group Hezbollah in their anti-Zionist campaigns.[21] In June 2009, MDI announced that Holocaust denier Serge Thion had joined the movement.[22]

New Black Panther Party

In April 2010, Malik Zulu Shabazz, leader of the US-based New Black Panther Party (NBPP), appointed Capo Chichi the party's representative in France and gave him the nom de guerre Kemiour Aarim Shabazz.[23] In July 2010, Capo Chichi left his position as the president of MDI but continued as the head of the francophone branch of NBPP.[24]

Struggle in Africa

In 2011, he left the NBPP and moved to Senegal, where he continued his political activism and became a lecturer in African universities and, from 2013, a political columnist in various African television channels. This earned him a certain popularity among the French-speaking African youth, who considered him as a defender of African sovereignty.

Originally close to the Nation of Islam, he eventually joined Voodoo in 2014, which he links to the work of the metaphysician René Guénon about the perennialism as he explains in his latest book Free Africa or death.

He is the initiator of the demonstrations against the CFA franc who took in several French-speaking African countries.[4] In January 2018 , he was elected as 2017 African Personality of the Year by Africanews,[5] for his fight against French neocolonialism and the CFA Franc in Africa.

Geopolitical connections

In March 2015, Kémi Séba was received by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to talk about the need to collaborate between countries of the Third World confronted with what they consider to be Western imperialism.[25]

In December 2017, he was invited to Moscow by the Russian nationalist intellectual Aleksandr Dugin to talk about the need to create a geopolitical alliance between the Pan-Africanist and Eurasian movements in order to join forces against hegemony of the West, and consolidate the political project of a multipolar world.[26] · [27]


  • Supra-négritude, Fiat-Lux éditions 2013, ISBN 979-1091157018
  • Black Nihilism, 2014
  • Obscure Époque - fiction géopolitique, 2016[28]


  1. Another source says that Capo Chichi's parents were from Côte d'Ivoire and Haiti. Reiss, "Laugh Riots", The New Yorker, 2007 (see below.)


  1. 1 2 «On me traite de nazi noir», Le Nouvel Observateur, 30 October 2008.
  2. 1 2 3 Kemi Seba, de la Tribu Ka au Sénégal
  3. Kemi Seba devient chroniqueur pour la chaîne Vox Africa
  4. 1 2 Kemi Seba activiste panafricain, initiateur des manifestations anti CFA
  5. 1 2 Anti-CFA activist Kemi Seba is 2017 Africanews Personality of the Year
  6. Andrew Hussey, "The Paris Intifada" Archived 2009-05-19 at the Wayback Machine., Granta, vol. 104, subscribers only
  7. Stephen Smith and Géraldine Faes, Noir et Français, 2006
  8. 1 2 3 "Kémi Séba, la Tribu KA et le kémitisme", Le Racisme anti-blanc
  9. 1 2 3 "Sarkozy visits Jewish neighborhood after threat from Black extremists". European Jewish Press. 2006-05-31. Archived from the original on 2008-08-29. Retrieved 2008-08-05.
  10. 1 2 "Leader of Black anti-Semitic group arrested in France". European Jewish Press. 2007-02-09. Archived from the original on 2008-09-23. Retrieved 2008-08-05.
  11. 1 2 Lichfield, John (2006-05-31). "French youths fight police and attack mayor's house". The Independent. London. Retrieved 2010-05-24.
  12. 1 2 Helene Fouquet, "Riots in Paris Suburbs Spark Fear of Violent Wave", Bloomberg, 30 May 2006, accessed 4 Dec 2010
  13. "Le Weltanschauung de la Tribu Ka, Stéphane François, Damien Guillame, and Emmanuel Kreis
  14. Tom Reiss, Letter from Paris: "Laugh Riots: The French star who became a demagogue", The New Yorker, 19 Nov 2007, accessed 4 Dec 2010
  15. 1 2 French gang leader sentenced Jewish Telegraphic Agency
  16. "Anti-Semitic black power leader in French court". European Jewish Press. 2006-09-19. Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2008-08-05.
  17. Tribu Ka: un an de prison avec sursis pour reconstitution de ligue dissoute Archived 2011-07-13 at the Wayback Machine.
  18. "Dissolution du groupuscule 'Jeunesse Kemi Seba'" Archived 2009-07-22 at the Wayback Machine.
  19. France - Dissolution of ""Jeunesse 'Kémi Séba" ("'Kémi Séba Youth"), The Coordinating Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism
  20. Kémi Séba Musulman!!! Official website of Kémi Séba
  21. Le MDI avec le Hezbollah contre le Sionism Archived 2009-01-08 at the Wayback Machine. Official website of MDI
  22. Serge Thion rejoint le MDI Archived 2010-02-19 at the Wayback Machine. Official website of MDI
  23. Kemi Seba nommé par le New Black Panther Party, basé à Washington, Ministre francophone Archived 2010-08-19 at the Wayback Machine. Official website of MDI
  24. Interview d’Hery Djehuty Sechat, nouveau Président du MDI Archived 2010-09-07 at the Wayback Machine. Official website of MDI
  25. « Le panafricaniste KEMI SEBA reçu par l’ancien président iranien Mahmoud Ahmadinejad »
  26. Russie : Kemi Seba reçu par Alexandre Douguine, l’idéologue de Vladimir Poutine
  27. Sputnik Kemi Seba: souverainistes africains et Russie, «une alliance naturelle»
  28. http://www.streetpress.com/sujet/1459438373-kemi-seba-rockin-squat-livre-obscure-epoque
  • "Site Web officiel de Kémi SEBA - Accueil" (in French). Archived from the original on 2008-08-07. Retrieved 2008-08-05.
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