Sissener (family)

The Sissener family in Norway originates from the Belgian colonel Wilhelm Sissener. He had eleven children, and some of his numerous descendants are well-known personalities in Norway.

  • Einar Sissener (1897-1968) was actor, director and cabarettist.
  • Wilhelm Sissener (1901-1977) was a successful businessman who brought the Norwegian pharmacy company Apothekernes Laboratorium up to international level.
  • Einar W. Sissener (1929-2008) became chairman of Apothekernes Laboratorium (later called Alpharma) after his father Wilhelm. He and his brother Jan W. Sissener (Norwegian Consul of Switzerland) have received the Order of St. Olav, a highly respected rank given out by HM King Harald V of Norway.
  • Jan Petter Sissener (1955-), the son of late Ellen Sissener, is considered a guru in the Norwegian financial markets.
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