Seth Brady Tucker

Seth Brady Tucker (S. Brady Tucker) is a poet and fiction writer originally from the city of Lander, Wyoming, and is known for his creative and scholarly contributions to contemporary War Literature, in particular the first Persian Gulf War. His first book won the 2011 Elixir Press Editor’s Poetry Prize (Mormon Boy, 2012), and was a finalist for the 2013 Colorado Book Award. His second book won the Gival Press Poetry Award (We Deserve the Gods We Ask For, 2014) and went on to win the Eric Hoffer Book Award in 2015. He founded and co-directs the Seaside Writers’ Conference (which takes place annually in May in Florida). Tucker teaches in veteran and caretaker programs and inmates through prison literacy programs. Tucker is an assistant editor at the Tupelo Quarterly Review, and has previously been on the editing board for the Southeast Review and for Thin Air Magazine.

Tucker’s fiction has won the Bevel Summers Fiction Prize from Shenandoah, the Flash Fiction Award from Literal Latte, and was a finalist for the Jeff Sharlet Award from the Iowa Review, the Lamar York Nonfiction Prize, the James Hearst Poetry Prize, and was a Special Mention in the Pushcart Prize Anthology.

Tucker has served as the Carol Houck Smith Scholar in Poetry at Bread Loaf, and as the Tennessee Williams Scholar in Fiction at Sewanee. He has worked in construction, as well as work as a wine sommelier, professor, and a ranch hand. Tucker was collegiate basketball player, and has degrees from San Francisco State University, Northern Arizona University, and from the top-ranked Creative Writing program at Florida State University (PhD English 2012). He was a paratrooper with the US Army’s 82nd Airborne Division, and served in the Persian Gulf War.

Tucker is a teaching Assistant Professor at the Colorado School of Mines, and has led poetry and fiction workshops for graduate and undergraduate students alike at Florida State University and the University of Colorado at Boulder. He teaches multi-genre, mixed-genre, and poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction classes at the Lighthouse Writers’ Workshop in Denver, Colorado, where he lives and writes.

Listing at Poets and Writers

Listing at the Associated Writers and Writing Conferences website

Faculty page at CSM

Seaside Writers Conference faculty page

Eric Hoffer Award

Gival Press Poetry Award

Elixir Press Poetry Award

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