Secun de la Rosa

Secun de la Rosa (Barcelona, December 23, 1969) is a Spanish actor and theatre author and director.

He studied drama in Cristina Rota's atelier, and although he's popular thanks to his humorist roles in cinema and TV, he has worked as author-director in several theatrical production. He has been awarded and nominated for these plays and he has also received the 2003 Premio al mejor actor de la Unión de Actores as an actor.


Feature film

Short films

  • Desaliñada (2001) by Gustavo Salmerón.
  • Postales de la India (2000) by Juanjo Díaz Polo.
  • Al rojo vivo by Raúl Muñoz.



  • El rincón de la borracha by Secun de la Rosa.
  • Los openheart by Andrés Lima.
  • Pensar amb els ulls by Joan Brossa.
  • Radio para, by Secun de la Rosa.
  • Obedecedor by Amparo Valle.
  • El homosexual de Copi by Gustavo Tambascio.
  • Lorca Cía. Lluis Pascual.
  • Susrealismos Cía. Caracalva.
  • Te odio by Juanjo Díaz Polo.
  • A las tantas by Secun de la Rosa.
  • Anoche por poco sueño contigo, Cía. Caracalva
  • Bola de sebo Alberto San Juan, Cia.Animalario .
  • Oración, Fernando Arrabal Cía. Madera 17.
  • Esperando al zurdo, by Cristina Rota.
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